Hung Over

183 9 26

The whole ride was quiet as Techno took left and right turns.

Ranboo wishes they didn't even go to that party.

That they didn't even get an invite.

But no.

Now they're in this position.

Practically going insane.

The ride eventually came to a stop, Ranboo dreaded to see their white house with both of the cars in front of the garage.

"This is your stop." Techno smiled softly at the younger through the mirror.

"Thanks.." Ranboo muttered, getting out instantly.

Ranboo walked up to the porch and to the door, scared to even lift up their hand to knock.

"It's just knocking, Ranboo. Own it!" They muttered to themselves as they knocked.

"Please don't be mad, please don't be mad, pleas-"

They stopped repeating the words as they saw the door swing open, revealing Tiffany.

"RANBOO!" She shouted, pulling them into a hug instantly as Vanilla came running towards them, barking.

"Oh my god- we thought you were dead! Why weren't you picking up your phone?!" She asks in an instant as she hugs them tighter.

"Tiffany- Tight- Very tight-" They manage to get out.

"You fucking idiot!" She says as she pulls away, "We were worried!" She says, letting Vanilla have his turn.

Vanilla jumps on Ranboo as Ranboo smiles.

"CHARLIE! MATTHEW! HE'S HERE!" Tiffany shouted.

The next thing Ranboo knows, there is loud and fast footsteps going down the stairs.



the 2 shout at the same time as they pull the younger in a hug.

"Mmh- Air- n-need air-" Ranboo manage to wheeze out.

"Where the fuck were you?!" Matthew said, gripping Ranboo's shoulders.

"Party..? I told Charlie about it..?" Ranboo answers.

"Oh.." Charlie rubs the back of his neck awkwardly, "That's what you said.."

"What the hell do you mean 'That's what you sa-" Ranboo was cut off by the nausea washing over them again.

Pushing Matthew away, Ranboo rushed to the bathroom and threw up right then and there in the toilet.

Ranboo choked as he pulled back, wanting to cry right then and there.

Suddenly, he got a call from..


'My fav midget ❤️'

"Hey, Aimee.." Ranboo could barely even say as he sat leaning against the wall, dreading to even hear Aimsey's name since he knew they were most likely gonna yell at them.

"WHERE WERE YOU?!" she yelled in an instant, "WE WERE WORRIED!"

"Please lower your vo-" Ranboo cuts themself off as they throw up again, "Voice.." They said as they took a couple of heavy breaths.

"Holy shit! Are you ok?!" A familiar voice asked.

"Who is that..?" Ranboo manages to ask through the train wreck, going through their body at that moment.

"Guqqie and Bill decided to sleep over. That was Guqqie. We found out the fruit punch was spiked as Isabelle was getting dragged out of the party, and by that time, Bill was already drunk. He's a bit busy throwing his guts up in the bathroom right now." Aimsey answered.

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