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The car ride was awkward as silent as nobody even dared to say anything.

Ranboo felt awkward sitting in the font seat next to Eli, who was in the driver's seat.

Sage and Aurora decided to sit together in the back, probably talking shit about people, Ranboo felt like he shouldn't interfere anyway.

Ranboo didn't really feel like he should even be here.

Maybe he should've gotten a camera beforehand.

"Hey." Eli says suddenly, making Ranboo jump a bit.

"Sorry- Didn't mean to scare you.." Eli stopped at a red light before continuing, "You ok? Like, you've been really quiet." He explains softly.

"O-oh.." Ranboo replies softly, a bit scared that the girls in the back would hear, "Y-yeah.. I'm fine.."

Eli then puts a hand on their shoulder, staring into their eyes then at the road, "Sorry about what happened on saturday.. The fruit punch was spiked, and everything.. I just want you to know it's not your fault."

Ranboo smiles softly under the mask, "Thanks.. I just.. I just didn't think that would happen when I went to his party.."

"You're ok. You're fine, you're here now." Eli pauses to smile at Ranboo, "He's not here right now. Let's just focus on getting you a camera and maybe taking some photos."

Ranboo nods as Eli drives when the light turns green.


"How much you betting that Eli has a crush on them?" Aurora asks Sage quietly, pointing at Ranboo with her eyes.

"Oh, there is no bet. It's a literal FACT. Have you seen the way he looks at them?! AND he's also fruity!" Sage points out in the same volume.

"Wouldn't they be so cute together, though?!" Aurora says instantly.

"They would! Did you see how protective Eli was?!" Sage returns.

"Hm?" Eli hummed in response, "I heard my name."

"Oh! Uh-" Aurora's voice trailed off, looking at Sage for help.

"Uh.." Sage pauses, clearing her throat a little, "We're talking about another Eli.."

The lie slips out her mouth easily, knowing she's been in this type of situation before.

"Oh! Who?" Eli returns.

"Elias Green." Sage says in an instant, "Hate that kid.." She adds, trying to go along with the lie she freshly made up.

"Mhm.." Eli nods as he finally stops at a store.

"Alright, do you guys wanna stay in the car like usual, or..?" Eli asked, making hand gestures.

"We'll stay in here!" Aurora chirps.

"Alright, suit yourself." Eli pauses before getting out, soon opening the door for Ranboo.

"Oh- Thanks.." Ranboo muttered quickly.

"You're welcome!" Eli says with a grin as he closes the door for Ranboo.

The duo walked into the shop, leaving Aurora and Sage by themselves.

"They'd make a great couple.." Sage added.

"How much you betting until the get together?" Aurora asked, prepared for this.

"I'd say.." Sage's voice trailed off, thinking, "Give it 2-3 months."

"Interesting.. I'd say.." Aurora paused to think, "A month."

"A month?! Seriously?" Sage laughed.

"I mean.. It's clear Eli had already fallen for the guy. We just gotta wait for Ranboo to fall for him." Aurora pointed out, laughing.

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