Thirty-Four (Elysia's POV)

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On our way to the main shopping street, Yeong and Maria chatted about the weather and the scenery. It was a sunny, pleasant day, the kind of spring weather that can quickly turn into sudden rain showers. But for now, the sky was clear, and the temperature perfect.

As we passed by an ice cream parlor, the smell of Belgian waffles filled the air.

"This smells delicious!" Dina exclaimed. "What are they? Waffles?"

We walked closer to the stall where Belgian waffles were neatly displayed, ready to be warmed or eaten cold.

"Yes, warm sugar waffles," Maria answered before I could. "The best I've ever tasted."

"Is anyone hungry?" I asked, smiling at the attendant behind the counter. The aroma of the waffles always made my stomach rumble.

"Of course," Tae Ho said, stepping up beside me with a teasing look, his eyes telling me he wanted more than just a waffle.

Everyone wanted to try one, so I placed the order, and the attendant quickly got to work. Meanwhile, the others looked around, soaking in the lively street filled with both leisurely shoppers and those rushing about.

Once the waffles were ready, we found a bench by a fountain in a square across the street. The fountain was low to the ground, perfect for dipping your feet in or letting children play on hot summer days.

"I love how the waffles melt on your tongue," Imani said, and Yeong and Sam Cha nodded in agreement.

After we finished, we decided to explore the shops. This street wasn't as luxurious as Rodeo Drive, but it offered a variety of stores, from high-end to more affordable options.

Following our shopping adventure, we headed to a local spot known for its fries with stew. The place was famous, and you could tell by the line of people waiting outside. Fortunately, I had made a reservation, and we were seated quickly.

When the fries arrived, they were everything I remembered: golden brown, crispy, and topped with a melt-in-your-mouth stew. The rich, spicy sauce made each bite heavenly.

"Wow, these are amazing!" Sam Cha said between bites. "I see why no fries anywhere else compare."

After a day of eating and exploring, we decided to skip dinner and go out for drinks. A nearby cocktail bar, known for its creative beverages, caught our attention.

"Can we mix drinks? Or is that a bad idea?" Maria asked, glancing at the menu.

"I'm not carrying anyone home," Mr. Lee warned from the next table. "And if anyone throws up, you'll clean it up yourselves."

We all wrinkled our noses at that thought and settled on ordering our first round of cocktails.

A few drinks later, we decided to walk back to the hotel. The weather had cooled, but it was still dry, and despite a few wobbly steps, we managed to make it back without incident.

Once inside, we wished everyone a good night and headed to our room. Tae Ho and I were alone in the elevator when a random thought crossed my mind.

"Do you ever think about what happens if someone recognizes you?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" he replied, curious.

"What if, for example, we go to breakfast tomorrow, and a fan spots you? What would happen if they recognized you?"

"They'd probably just ask for a photo," he said, but I could tell he understood where I was going with this.

"And what if they jump to conclusions about me and the other women?" I hated how insecure I sounded, but I couldn't help it.

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