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I shivered in the cold dark room as I cradled myself against the wall struggling to keep warm. My skin cracked and ached all over my body and blisters filled my chap lips.
Snow filled the window only making it colder in here.

As my body temp started to drop significantly even more. Hypothermia keeps upon my finger tips the door opened. The light coming from the outside hurted my eyes.

Don't just fuckin sit there stupid get the fuck up! My father yelled angrily as he put a blunt filled of weed and 2K to his mouth. I slowly stood to my feet and walked towards the door. My parents locked me in "TheRoom" is what we called it for over 72 hours. It was my punishment for not getting my sister up on time to catch her bus to school. My parents beat the hell out of all of us. My older brother Derrick he was 3 years older than me he just turned 13, me i was 10 and my sister Leah was 6. It seems like I got it the worst though.

Hurry the hell up boy! He grabbed me by the back of my neck. His warm hands felt like fire against my skin. He pushed me into the kitchen table almost making me fall. "Clean it up!" He turned his back to walk away and I tried to not let a sigh out. My family just got done having dinner and I was so hungry. As long as I was locked up I couldn't eat and had to use the bathroom in a bucket on the other side of the room. It was just me and the cold room in my draws and a wife beater. No blankets, no mats to sleep on and nothing to eat or drink.

The plates was cleaned off and I wiped the table and sat the dishes in the sink. I tried not to cry as the hot water burned my hands from the hypothermia. I felt like they where going to fall off.

Why the fuck is you crying? My mother asked angrily and annoyed.

My hands hurt....(she grabbed my arm turning my hands towards her. They where starting to change colors.)

Go sit in front of the heater and get warm. And take a slice of bread to eat. She directed. I took the last slice of bread and went into the livingroom and sat in front of the fireplace. I wiped my tears and broke off the pieces of bread that didn't have mold on it.

My stomach hurted eating it. She gave me a small glass with a small amount of water in it. "And when you done go in there and finish that kitchen!" She said sternly. She got up from the couch as the door bell rang. I looked back and it was some guy. He was over here all the time. He came into the house and my mama led him to my parent's bedroom. I was only 10 but I knew what he was here for. Shortly after the door bell rang again and it was two other man. My father angered he let them in. He sat back on the couch as the screams and moans sounded off from my parents bedroom. My mama was a hoe! I wasn't dumb. My father made and allowed her he was kinda her pimp even though he was her husband....she has sex for drugs and money.

Get on up and go to bed upstairs! My dad directed me. He was so angry with my mother....probably because it sounded like she was enjoying herself and having the time of her life. I went into the kitchen to hurry up and finish the dishes and made sure it was clean. As I walked upstairs I seen the men walk out the room with evil smiles on their faces. They dropped stacks of money in my dads lap while he smoked and another man dropped a few clear baggies in his lap. It wasn't no secret my parents did coke and crack and when they really had it they did heroin.

After the last guy left out and just before I reached the last step upstairs I could hear the hardest hit ever. A powerful punch. My dad beat my mom ass so bad sometimes she was unrecognizable and couldn't even turn her tricks.

I walked into our bedroom and both of my siblings was in the bed. We shared a bedroom. Me and Derrick on one side and Leah on the other. She still had a toddler bed and was growing out of it bad.

James!!! She smiled excitedly as she seen me. She jumped up and wrapped her arms around me. My siblings is what kept me sane.

Hi baby girl! I smiled hard.

Derrick ran to the dresser and grabbed me one of his t-shirts. He hugged me tight and I felt okay for once.

Here bro! I snuck this up for you. He lifted up his mattress and handed me a napkin. It was 3 pieces of fried chicken they had for dinner. "Leah gave me one of hers so I gave you mine. Sorry it's cold!"

It's okay thank you!

Your welcome! I promise one day ima get us out of here! Derrick said looking me in my eyes.

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