Chapter 23

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I began to wonder around the huge house after he stepped outside to take a call. We literally stood in the same spot from when we walked in for hours and me telling him to take me home. Was I being childish for keep repeating myself absolutely! Was it childish for me to keep saying it everytime he tried to talk, Of course but I don't give a fuck. I wanna go home and far away from him!

I stepped outside on the back balcony as the cool air was starting to breeze by with the smell of the beach. It was a beautiful view.

Looks familiar? He asked as he stood behind me leaning against the door?

Take me home!

3 and a half years ago, I asked you to move in with me. (He licked his lips looking at the view before us.) But you didn't want my house and you didn't want yours. The next day I went to start looking for houses but I couldn't find anything worth it or I thought would be good enough for you. You said you wanted a beach house just joking around but I knew you was serious when we went to Bora Bora for our Anniversary and you said it again. So I started looking again. I just couldn't find anything worth it. So I bought this land all of it. I've been building this house for you for almost 4 years. I couldn't wait to show you. I had it all planned out in my head how I wanted to do it and everything that was for our future. But i got this call you was picked up by the Feds and for a split second I got scared that my plans would never happen. Then my fear became reality when I got a call saying you died. It's like my mind had went blank and all I could think was if I couldn't live without you then I didn't wanna live.

I was scared to be in a relationship with you. I've thought about cheating so you could leave me, i thought about just leaving and disappearing cause i knew I never deserved a woman like you. I could never bring myself to do any of that. That's when i knew i was truly in love with you and that shit was so deep. I'd crash out over you in a second. You changed me in so many ways you'd never know. Your what makes me, me! The better me! I love you with all my fuckin heart and i thank god that he made us cross paths and brought you into my life.

If you was gone what was the point of me even being alive, your my kryptonite! I wanted to take that whole entire jail down and everybody in it for what they did to you. When you ran out that muthafucka and your voice went through my ears I felt like someone had took a hot brand iron and put it down my throat to know I had made a mistake that now I could never come back from. As in disbelief I was in I wasn't going to jail for life over that....I blew the jail up and I flew from the explosion. God had other plans for me. Everything happened so fuckin fast I thought i was dead. As the building was coming down, it was some inmates escaping underground. These niggas pulled these heavy ass bricks from off of me, pulled me into the tunnel. I broke three ribs, and dislocated my shoulder. They helped me through the tunnel and lead me out into a pathway to where they was escaping from. I was damaged and fucked up. I was pissed I wasn't dead. I woke up in a car two states away. These niggas helped me get right. And as soon as I was better I was coming back for you. I was coming to get you! Your all I thought about. I just wanted to hold you and kiss you and tell you I love you until I ran out of breath.

I know you're mad at me for this, and this might be something that you're going to be mad at for a while. I understand but now you know the truth what happened and how I'm here. I told you I'll come back for you and I ment that! He grabbed me by my chin to look him in his eyes. He wiped my tears and kissed my forehead.

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