Chapter 21

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Today was the reopening day for the clinic and to say I was stressed out as fuck was an understatement. I just wanted everything to go perfectly.

I unlocked my office door and stopped at the door in confusion. My entire office was filled with giant bouquets of roses and sun flowers. I was taken back by it all. These was my favorite flowers as I came into the office all the way I noticed a box of Gold of Kinabalu Orchid flowers in the shape of a heart In the box. These where the most expensive flowers in the world. They where so beautiful!

I took my phone out and took a picture of my office. "Who the fuck did this?" I asked the group chat. It had me, Quan, my brothers, Kyra, and Leah in it. They play entirely too much.

I went to my closet to hang my jacket up and moved stuff around a bit so I had room to get by. I took some flowers and made a small bouquet putting them in a vase on my desk. As each employee and patient entered the door today I had security gifted them a flower from my appreciation and a thank you for choosing us.

I made my way to the clinics break room where I asked all the employees to meet me at. It was so nerve wracking to see everyone. This ment so much to me and I worked so hard to get here. I never really cared about what other people thought much about me but I cared about this!

Hi everyone! I spoke nervously standing in front of the break room. It was filled with everyone who worked here and all eyes was on me. I took a deep breath and continued what I was saying. "As many if not all of you knew what had happened. I want to be the first to apologize to you all for putting you in this type of situation. Two former employees took it upon themselves to steal from our clinic and put it in jeopardy. They committed all types of crimes and tried to frame me for doing so. This caused a huge investigation and the Feds raided us and that's why we had to quickly shut down. Y'all been out of work for months. I know many of you had families to feed and this put y'all at great difficulty which caused a lot of employees to leave and take employment else where. So out of my own pocket because you guys decided to come back everyone will get back paid from all the time you guys lost, with a 3,000 dollar bonus. I greatly appreciate each and everyone of you all for all the hard work and dedication you put into y'all jobs. When I built this clinic my main goal and focus was to help people and that's what I'm making sure what I do! Today is reopening day let's put our best foot forward and continue to help our community. You can contact your department manager at the end of the day for your checks. Thank you all, have a great day! Oh and enjoy the free breakfast we provided, lunch will be catered by Chick-Fil-A today as well!" I smiled. They started clapping in excitement. The look on everyone faces was so worth it.

I went to my office and my assistant was walking down the hall towards me. "I got the checks from the bank. Your coffee, and patients are lined up at the door." He said handing me everything.

Thank you Alex, actually can you deliver the checks to the department managers. I told them to categorize them all and label them.

Yeah of course.

Thank you! I went into my office to start on paperwork. I looked up at the cameras and the waiting room was beginning to fill up. I got up from my chair putting my white coat and stethoscope on. I walked down and to the exam rooms. I grabbed a chart from the nurses station and went into exam room 5.

Hi my name is Brionna, I'm your DNP it doesn't say what you're here for. I said as I walked into the room looking at the clipboard. I looked up and stopped talking as I looked at the patient.....

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