Chapter 27

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I finished signing my paper work with all smiles. I just signed for my own house. Only thing is it was gonna take a few more weeks to finish. But I didn't care because I loved the fact and idea that I had my own house. With the money I had saved left from James it was enough for me to get a house and pay 6 months rent up front. Next was me a car and then I was gonna be all set. My 18th birthday was right around the corner so the check I was getting from my moms death was gonna be enough for me to get one.

I'll give you a call when the house is ready and you can pick up the keys. The real estate agent said smiling.

Thank you so much! I followed her out and got in the car. I had to hurry up and head back to school, I had one more class for the day then I was gonna have lunch with James.

I honestly really liked him but I don't think we could work all like that. I know a man like him have bitches which I don't care because it's nun of my business he not my man. But I do like him. I just don't wanna get my feelings hurt, and I know a guy like him that's exactly what will happen.

My head was so in the clouds and thinking about him I didn't notice my class being over. I got up putting my stuff in my bag and walking out the class.

"Hey I'm out of class, where do you wanna meet for lunch?" I texted Shooter. I honestly was so hungry. I walked out of school and seen my friend Leah standing on the sidewalk like she was waiting for something.

Hey girl! I smiled walking down the stairs.


You okay?

Girl no! I'm annoyed my Lyft keep canceling and my dad said he can't pick me up. My brother said I can come eat his car but my Lyft acting stupid.

Where is he I can give you a quick ride!

You sure?

Yeah I don't mind. My lunch date hasn't texted me back yet anyways so I have time.

Thank you so much. I'm not going far from here. You know where 32nd street is?

South side?


Yeah, come on! We walked towards the car and I got in unlocking the doors for her.

This is nice as fuck, my brother got a car just like this! She said as she got in.

He must got some munyon, I'm just borrowing a friend car. I laughed.

A friend! I ain't never seen you with no friend! He must be applying pressure for you to give him a chance.

I wouldn't say I'm giving him a chance. He's cool. We went on a few dates and he's just helping me out, I was just in a fucked up situation and he helped me. I do like him he so fuckin fine but I know he a hoe ass nigga. I'm staying with him for a while and last night like 3 in the morning he fighting some bitch. She just pulled up and started breaking shit and shit and they got into it. Next thing I know I'm whooping her ass and me and him fuckin.

Damn, it's hard to find good people these days. He probably got turned on by you beating the girl up. My brother would never be so mean and hate everybody.

He sounds like a nightmare! I laughed.

That house right there with all them niggas on the porch! She said pointing as I pulled on the street. I pulled up in front of the house and she rolled her eyes. "Can you pleaseeeeee do me a favor!"

What? I asked unsure if I should of asked.

Please come in here with me. He always got all these niggas around. I hate it and going in places by myself.

Tell him come outside! I laughed.

He ain't answering or text back.

Okay come on! We got out the car and I followed her up the stairs and into the house. It was so many damn niggas.

Damn you fine as hell! Some dude said to me as he grabbed my hand. I snatched away from him like he was crazy. Where the fuck did Leah have me.

Dude you ain't see me calling you? Leah asked pissed. I turned my head on her direction and I got annoyed.

I'm sorry I have his phone! Some girl said. "Who are you?" She asked getting smart.

Bitch I'm whoever I need to be to be calling his phone. Leah said getting smart back.

Shooter! Get her! The girl said getting up from the lap she was sitting on. I looked up and folded my arms. See told you he had bitches. Crazy he was letting a bitch be all over him sitting in his lap but just fucked Me less then 12hrs ago is crazy!

Chill this my little sister! He said annoyed.

Little sister?! Me and the girl said at once which made her, him, and Leah look at me.

He pushed her out his way and digged in his pocket for his keys and gave them to Leah.

Thank you and control yo hoes! Leah said rolling her eyes. "Come on girl let's go!"

Sorry baby! The girl kissed his cheek and wrapped her arms around his waist. I laughed a bit shaking my head.

Guess no lunch date huh? I asked unfolding my arms and walking towards the door.

Bri! I heard him call my name behind me. "Look it's not what you think!"

What do I think then? Cause it seemed pretty clear to me.

I swear it's not! Where you wanna eat at?

No where I'm good!

You mad at me now?

Nah I don't get mad! I'm not yo bitch, we good!

Dude come on!

We good, I'm not yo bitch! I walked away from him and he looked stressed out. I went over pushing past all the niggas on the porch to my car.

You know my brother? Leah asked meeting me at the bottom of the stairs.

Kinda! I said rolling my eyes.

Do I wanna know? She asked as we reached the car.

The guy, the friend I was just talking about is him! I said annoyed getting in the car and pulling off.

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