Chapter 13

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First I just wanna say I'm sorry for your lost honey! Banks said coming into the court room and hugging me.

I didn't say anything because I couldn't. I was a mute and I have been for weeks.

Considering how huge the fight was between me and Lyric and them finding out that she's the reason why all of this happened. She didn't want to press charges. She sent notes to me through CO's and inmates to try and apologize to me. I've been permanently moved to Psychs. I woke up every night screaming in pain from the nightmares.

Brionna Smith Vs The State Of New York! The clerk called out and we stood up.

I wanna say Sorry for your loss Ms. Smith! Judge Carney said. "From my understanding there's been a few cases going on since you've been detained. You have a case pending towards the jail because you have been raped and beaten, you where attacked and almost killed, and an inmate calling your spouse that caused a huge problem to where over 75 inmates escaped, a federal jail was blown up, and lives was lost. I will not be holding you in contempt anymore. I am hearing releasing Ms. Smith until your next court date which will be pushed back until the end of May. Do anyone disagree?"

No your honor we are actually interested in dropping the drug trafficking charges and the charges of illegal substances. We have been able to review the case files and what we had there is no evidence of that. We have learned that this is a he say she say thing and we motioned to excuse that your honor. The DA said standing up.

Counselor do you agree to that? He asked Banks.

Yes Your honor we do!

Okay, Ms Smith is to be released immediately upon arrival and back May 30th how's that for both of you?

That's fine Your honor.

I'm free that day too your honor thank you! Banks gave me my paper work and a sheriff came and escorted me back to the back.

I was taken back to the jail and proceeded out immediately. Banks, Quan, and both of my brothers met me outside.

Bri! My brother questioned. I walked past all of them and got in Quans car and pulled off. I flipped up his radio system and his gun was in there. I took it out and loaded the clip. This bitch 8 year old son played outside and I just wanted her to feel what I feel but I can't kill a kid but I want her too hurt! Tears rushed down my face as I gripped the gun harder.

The door opened and Quan got in. How did this nigga find me. "I know your hurt I know you are but Bri Bri this isn't you! This is not you baby girl, he would not want you to kill a kid."

FUCKKKKK!!!! I screamed hitting and crying the steering wheel. Quan took the gun from my hand and pulled me into a hug.

I got you Bri I got you! Better believe I got you!


I know Bri I know! It's gonna be okay...

It's not Quan it's not it's not okay!

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