Chapter 21

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Quan! I yelled from my office and he came running in. It's been a week since I been back from Miami. And the three people that left us came crawling back since Cali's shit was trash.


You going to court today?

Uhh yeah, I'm leaving in about 30 you wanna ride with me?

Yeah I can, if you don't mind.

Nah I don't mine. You know Bri you jie kinda cool! You like my sis now.

Shut up dude! I laughed. "But you definitely have been solid these past few months you kinda dope Quan and I got a lot of respect for you."

Hey sis umm you got a visitor!!! Kyra smiled hard.

Who? I questioned confused. She stepped to the side and a man came walking in. I stood up trying not to smile. He held a dozen of roses and sun flowers in his hand.


Hi Brionna! He smiled.

Sup nigga! Quan laughed slapping him up. "What you doing here gang?!"

I'm in town had to do a few things thought I might drop in on the boss, see if you'd like to go to lunch.

Umm I'm busy!

No she isn't! Kyra said smiling pulling Quan out the room.

Dude the trial! Quan said on his way out the door.

These are for you! He said as he licked his lips and handed me the roses. As hard as I tried not to blush I know I was blushing right now.

They're beautiful, actually my favorite thank you! I smiled.

Your beautiful!

It's giving you didn't come all this way for nothing, what you want Mitch?

I can't stop thinking about your beautiful face. So I came to ask you on a date.

And what if I say no?

Then I'd look like a fool for no reason so I'm hoping you don't say no.

How about dinner tonight instead?

Sounds good to me. 7?

7 works for me! He smiled and walked out the room. Lexi, Kyra, and Sienna almost fell threw the door as he opened it from trying to listen so hard.

Y'all are nosey as fuck! I laughed.

Who the fuck is that fine ass man? Lexi asked as she came in and sat down.

Someone from Miami!

You went to Miami and got a man what happened to business? Kyra asked.

I did go down for business. Maybe that's what he wanna talk about!

Girl please you know, just like I know that man ain't coming all the way up here to talk business he bought you flowers. Kyra said.

Your favorite flowers at that! Sienna smiled.

Byeeee I'm sure he just wanna talk business since we didn't get a chance to last time. So if y'all will excuse me I have some where to be. I laughed walking out my office. I left out and got in my car. Someone just asked me on a date and I don't have shit to wear! I've been living in leggings and scrubs for months.

I made my way to the mall and I didn't know where to shop. I wasn't sure on how to be a girl well dress like one.

I went into Forever 21 to see what they had. I didn't really see anything that I liked honestly. I left here and went to Starbucks. I grabbed a refresher and took my time walking around the mall. I found this one store I never been in before they had a bunch of cute stuff. I found this sexy ass black dress. It crossed over the right shoulder with mesh cloth that was attached with leather covering the boobs and bottom area leaving everything else exposed. I had the perfect shoes at home to go with this. I bought it then left out the mall and went straight home.

I starred at myself in my bathroom mirror with wide eyes. How could anybody look at me and wanna date me. I've been so focused on everything else lately for these past few months that I forgot about myself. I washed my face and did my skin care routine.

I can't even tell you the last time I shaved my legs or even got a wax! You can tell sex was the very last thing always on my mind.

My phone started ringing and it was Quan. I ignored the call and refocused on myself. It was going on 4pm. He started calling again and now I was getting annoyed.

What Quan? I asked picking my phone up.

I thought you was coming to court?

I forgot!

How you forget Bri we was just talkin bout it then that nigga Mitch walked in. Bro gone be pissed he find out you fuckin with him.

He not my nigga I don't have to be at his court hearing. And he can't be mad at anything he isn't my nigga.

But they friends Bri!

Okay? I can't have dinner with a friend? Ima grown ass lady and make my own damn decisions cause I'm not fuckin or in a relationship with nobody. Plus he's married.

You know like I know bro ain't married.

Naw I don't know shit! Is this what you called me for?

Nah! They adjourned his court hearing back again. Next court date November 22nd!

Another two months? This is insane now. What Banks say?

He said he was going to try and get it dismissed at the next court date cause they don't have nun and with everybody dead the case is too.

This shit annoying!

Man tell me about it but cancel your date!

Why Quan?

Because I said so!

Not valid!

Dude no! He a hoe ass nigga!

Must be all I attract!

Dude I'm telling your brother! That's it you made it come to this I'm telling!

Quan you hate my brother and we all been working together this long and y'all still barley talk!

So, I'm telling!

Bye Quan! I hung up the phone laughing. He was so fuckin annoying.
"I'M TELLING!" A text popped up on my screen. See fuckin annoying.

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