Chapter 4

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I woke up with the most excruciating pain. My head felt like it was about to explode off. I opened my eyes and just knew I died and went to hell.

I tried to sit up only to see that I was cuffed to the bed and I couldn't move. This really couldn't of happened!

Don't move! A male voice said making me look up. It was Banks standing over me. "Bri can you hear me?" He asked as I felt myself going in and out.

Where's James? I asked coming to a bit.

He's outside waiting for me, how do you feel?

Tell him I want him!

I know honey! Bri they said you tripped and fell down the stairs what happened.

I was raped and beat....tell him!

Bri stay woke baby! Can you tell me the officers names?

Mack...Mackerel, Thompson and....and  Le..Leroy! Tell him...tell him! I managed to get out before I lost consciousness.


I woke up to monitors beeping going off. I jumped up scared and I didn't recognize where I was. I was chained to a bed. I was freaking out. My eye was swollen damn near shut, my face and body was filled with bad bruises and I felt like I was about to die from the pain my head was in.

Oh you need to relax! A nurse said rushing over to me. "Your still in the infirmary!"

What why? I need to get out of here.

No you need to stay right here, the guards found you best to death, you got jumped by some girls! Can you remember anything from the fight? She asked confused.

It wasn't a fight I was beat and raped by three guards.

That's a huge accusation Ms. Smith!

Bitch I'm not accusing anything I know what the fuck just happened to me and I know why! Fuck outta here!

Okay...okay! Sign me out and get me to my cell! I yelled at her I was so fuckin pissed off. Talkin bout some that's a huge accusation. Bitch I'm not accusing shit that's what the fuck had happened!

A guard had finally came after hours of waiting. Her scary ass finally signed me out. I ripped my IV out my arm and tried my hardest to stand. It hurted so bad to walk. They chained my hands and feet and i followed the lady. I felt a bit better because it was a lady escorting me.

She stopped in the middle of the hallway and turned to me. "Look I believe what happened to you is real.! These guards in this jail is something else and I heard Mack and Thompson laughing about getting some and getting back at Shooter."

You saying this to say what?

Ima try and have yo back as best as I can alright.... Come in here! She pulled me into a room and pulled a small phone out her tities. "When you get in your cell it's a SIM card in the Bible on the 36th page. Shooters number is already in there he told me to get it to you!"

How the fuck do I know you tryna help me rather then set me up?

Shooters good people and when I heard his girl got locked up I got in touch with him and told him I'll help in anyway I can cause he helped me and my family when he had could a few times. Saved us from eviction and found my brother killer.


Come on now let's hurry up and get you to yo block. She opened the door and looked both ways before pulling me out. We continued to walk down the hall and we made it to this cell block. Shit was big as fuck had a bunch of cells upstairs and down. She showed me to a cell which was mine furthest from the door. She took my cuffs and chains off and closed the cell door some. She nodded her head at me and walked away. These bitches was loud as fuck in here. It was a bunch of old bitches and young bitches.

I looked around the room and found the Bible. Just like she said it was a SIM card in there. I popped it in and turned the phone on. I'm not gone lie I was scared as fuck to call Shooter and tell him what happened to me. I know his ass gone crash out!

As my hands trembled I dialed his number. "Brionna?"

Yes baby it's me....

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