Chapter 14

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Hey, umm I have the funeral arrangements and stuff. Quan said coming into my room.

I don't want to have one....we don't even have a body!

I think it'll help you grieve and heal if you had one. He left me clear instructions on what to do if he passed.


Okay, okay, okay!

Just leave it there! I grabbed my bottle and started drinking it as I walked away from him. I went upstairs to my room slamming the door behind me. I turned the lights off and got into bed.

The door opened and in came Kyra. She climbed into bed next to me and I started crying. She took the bottle from my hands and pulled me Into her hugging me. She let me cry and cry to what seemed like forever.

Do you think you can die from a broken heart? I asked her as she rubbed my head.

Umm I think it's very possible, especially when you loved someone so much. But I don't think you will. We are here for you and where all gonna help you get through this Bri we love you! I know it's hard but we got you baby!

He just did it...he said I love you then did it...why? Why he couldn't live without me but making me live without him. That's not fair why did he do that!

I wish I had an answer for you baby but I don't. Maybe he knew you was stronger than him. His heart was broken and he really thought you were gone.

And now he's gone!

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