𝟎𝟒: 𝐀 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐄𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐞

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Marnie and Maisie found a corner to not be seen and peeked around the corner to listen.

"If Marnie and Maisie's training doesn't at least begin tonight, their powers will be lost forever," Aggie said.

Gwen said, "Yes! And they'll finally be human! They'll finally be normal, like their brother, like their father, and like Sophie will be after!"

That hurt a lot because apparently Gwen thought she was a freak. Maisie crossed her arms at the thought of being 'normal'. What was so fun about normal?

"Wedding a human father," Aggie said. "Why, you're lucky that you have three children that are showing powers at all." She paused before saying, "Do you really want them going through life doing things the hard way?" Gwen was looking for a lid. "I mean, look at you, with your plastic bowls when you know leftover chicken keeps better when it's back on the bone." 

She pointed and then there was a chicken standing right in the bowl. Maisie jerked back in shock and Marnie covered Maisie's mouth with her hand because Maisie said some words that Gwen disapproved of them saying.

Gwen gasped and sternly stated, "Mother, get that thing out of here right now." 

Aggie did a movement with her arms, like a chicken and the real chicken squawked, turning back into leftovers. 

Gwen sighed and explained, "For years, you have been coming here. You've been dropping hints to Marnine and Maisie, and badgering me to start their training. I know that's why you came here tonight, Mother. But the fight is over. The clock has finally run out and you can go home." Maisie can tell that Gwen was proud of herself for it.

Aggie said, "Gwen, as much as I think you're making a terrible mistake with Marnie and Maisie, you're wrong about why I came here tonight. Fact is, I came to ask for your help."

Maisie can tell Gwen seemed a bit curious, "My help? With what?"

Aggie seemed a little anxious again, "Something is wrong at home. Something's happening. Every day, I find another neighbor has changed. Turned hateful, it's frightening. And soon after that, they disappear altogether."

Just like that, Gwen's curisoty went away and was replaced with exasperation. "Oh, please, Mother. My neighbors disappear sometimes too. It's called moving."

Aggie hit the kitchen island, "Oh, Gwendolyn, I'm quite serious about this. It's as though something or someone is trying to return us to the Dark Times. And I fear my powers alone may not be enough to stop it. I need another Cromwell witch. I need you."

Gwen said, "Mother, there are plenty of other witches and warlocks in Halloweentown. Why don't you recruit one of them?"

The fact that Gwen had lied to them for years with no remorse, made Maisie feel disgusted. What if she and Marnie actually wanted to be witches? And why did Gwen lie about being a witch herself?

"Oh, I've tried," Aggie replied. "You know how it is today. No one pulled wants to get involved."

Gwen retorted, "Mother, I'm sure that you believe that there's some kind of problem, but I can't just leave my kids to go fight some nameless force in another world that I have nothing to do with."

"Nothing to do with? Well, fine, bury your head in the sand of the precious Mortal World of yours," Aggie said. "Perhaps the Cromwell line will end with you. But let's just hope that Halloweentown doesn't come to an end along with it!"

Marnie took Maisie's arm and dragged her upstairs so they can discuss what they heard. However, Marnie led her to Dylan's room and opened the door. 

Marnie recounted the story to Dylan, "And then she talked about all this weird stuff that's happening in Halloweentown, like it's a real place." 

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