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- Jade

Flame had to go back up to Michigan to get some of his stuff. So, today I decided to hang with my parents.

Most people would be partying with their old friends, but I was absolutely cheated out of a childhood with my parents. So today I make up for some of that.

Later tonight they are hosting a barbecue for all of our family friends.

I checked the clock. 8:10 am. Time to start the day.

I took a quick shower and blow dryed my hair. I braided my hair into two dutch braids and threw on a bit of mascara.

I put on a baggy dark green sweatshirt and black jean shorts.

Grabbing my purse and keys I drove to my parents house. Driving was quite traumatic for me.

I keep imagining a small innocent child being hit by my car. Me putting them in a coma. Me causing them to get amnesia.

Or I would imagine it happening to myself all over again. Both were horrifying.

After around ten minutes I pulled up in their driveway. I knocked on the door and Dad answered.

Smiling a jumped into his arms. He was startled but caught me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he held me by my back.

"Hey kiddo." he said softly. I smiled. "Hi dad."

Dad put my down carefully. "So, what do you want to do today?" I ask. He shrugs.

Kissing the top of my head dad says, "Anything you want Jade." I smile and tap my chin thoughtfully.

"I have a couple questions for you guys." I finally say. Dad smiles and we walk inside.

Mom gives me a quick hug and we sit down on the couch.

"You guys gotta give me some stories or something. Stuff when you were in highschool. Funny memories. Anything." I said. Mom grins.

"Oh, you want good stories huh." she says mischievously.

How is she 42 and still 16? It's so hilarious.

"I remember one time when you were one years old. Your intelligence level was highly developed. And still you were convinced that I was a monster. You convinced your father to tackle me. Then I tackled him." Mom explains.

Dad smiles huge, but it falters. "You were so adorable. That was the first time you met Jaguar. He held his hand out and called you pretty. I told him he had to wait. And he said he would. And he did." Dad says.

I smile. I have no memory of this, but it sounds adorable.

"Tell us something. We barely know anything that happened before and after the kidnapping." Dad said changing the subject.

"Well, I don't have many stories from before. I do remember going to a grocery store when I was five. That was so amazing." I said thoughtfully.

Mom leaned into dad and it reminded me of something.

It was my last day of year one in Michigan. I had made a few friends. Not too many though.

My friend group consisted of me, Flame, Sundew, Willow, Swordtail, Luna, and Bumblebee.

Bumblebee was Sundew's little sister. Sundew was super fierce are protective. Willow was supportive and kind. And Bumblebee. Well Bumblebee was as hilariously as can be.

On the first day, Sundew was flirting with Willow and Bumblebee came up to them shouting, "HEY SNOODO! WHATCHA DOIN? OH SHE HOT!"

Sundew was so mad. Willow was laughing so hard it looked like she was dying. I jumped as Flame picked me up from behind.

The Lost Outcast Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now