Cheerleaders? Gymnasts?

128 4 2

- Flame

Have you ever felt like you were empty? Like everything is still in you, but it all feels almost transparent.

Or how about this? Have you ever felt numb? Like even when you reach out and touch something, you absentmindedly feel it, but not consciously.

Or I will do you one better? Ever felt like you are living your life in third person? Instead of actively being in your life, it's like your watching someone else's life.

Those are a mix between what I feel like lately. Just gone.

Because she is gone. Cheesy for me, but true.

It's like Jade is the thing I want most in the whole world, and the one thing that I had, but lost.

I am alot of things. People have called me a liar, cheater, sneaky, rude, impolite, disgusting, disgraceful, and more.

Alot of those might be true. But one thing I am not, is someone who gives up. So, ladies and gentlemen, that is how I found myself standing infront of Jade's dorm.

She may not ever want to see me again, but I am determined to atleast talk to her, one more time.

Taking a deep breath, I reach up and knock on the door. I hear footsteps and the door latch before it opened.

My breath catches in my throat for a second as I see her.

How long has it been since I saw her? Two weeks? Can someone get more attractive that fast?

Look, Jade was always really pretty, just naturally beautiful. But I swear, she looks like a model now.

One of the most gorgeous women on this planet is right infront of me. And I do not say this because I am obviously interested in Jade.

Someone who absolutely hates Jade cannot deny how stunning she is.

Her dark blonde hair was layed perfectly in curls. It was long and thick, her hair reached her lower back.

She looked more tan that I remembered, which naturally made her bright green eyes seem to glow against her skin.

But my favorite part was her smile. Her perfect white teeth. She was smiling brightly, until her eyes settled on me.

"Flame." she breathed. I nodded. "I wanted to talk." I explain.

Jade glances behind her, before opening the door and letting me through.

"No one else is home right now anyways." she mumbled. I walked inside slowly. It was a larger dorm than mine. But she lived with more people.

There was a living room and kitchen that were connected, and a hallway with four doors. My guess is three bedrooms and a bathroom.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" Jade asks

I could practically feel the tension in the room.

I walk up to her slowly and grab her hands gently.

"Jade, I'm sorry. I don't know why I did what I did. I was just so angry at him. You were mine, and he wasn't understanding that. Hurting him wasn't the answer to that though." I told her.

She nodded.

"Yeah you shouldn't have hurt him. But we both know that. So what do you really want?"

I wince, her bluntless stings.

"I want you back. Jade I love you."

Tears fill her eyes. "I love you too Flame."

My heart jumps as she smiles and laughs lightly.

The Lost Outcast Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now