Something Feels Off

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- Jaguar

I have no idea how hurt she is. She might be completely fine. But she said she was bleeding so probably not.

That part that scared me was that she could barely speak. The trauma is probably overwhelming her right now.

I was just driving as fast as I could to Arizona. When I hit a red light I pulled out my phone and clicked on Jade's number.

Locations were off.


The green light comes on and I drive again. At the next red light I go into a website and track the call.

After a few moments her location appears.


Wow she really is stranded. Looks like the road is closed too. I step in the gas and try and get there as fast as I can.

After nearly four hours of anxious driving I see the closed road sign. I pull over the car hop out and sprint down the road.

She is nowhere is sight. "Jade?" I call out. Right ahead I see smoke. My heart rises.

Is that her?

I ran as fast as I can and quickly recognize her car. Sitting beside that car is Jade. She has deep cuts along her arms from shattered glass.

And severe sunburns. "Jade?" I say. She looks up and jumps into my arms.

I hug her back. "Thank you for coming Jaguar." she whispers. "Of course." I reply.

My shirt is now bloody but I don't care, as long as she is safe now.

"What do you want to do about the car?" I ask. She glances at the car which now has smoke rising from it.

"It's not going to work Jaguar. I've learned a few things about cars. This one is not going to be able to be fixed." she sighs.

I nod. "Ok, lets go then." I conclude.


I drove her to the nearest hospital which was two hours away. I remember the lady at the front desk looked at us like we were crazy.

I explained the situation and Jade was swept away to treat her wounds.

I pull out my phone and call Qibli.

Last time I did this it was when Jade was in a coma.

He picks up quickly. "Hey Jaguar what's up?" he asks. I sigh. "Get ready for some deja vu." I say.

He goes silent.

"Jade is in the hospital. On her way back to Cali some guy hit her car and drove off. She had deep cuts from glass shards all over her arms. She called me and I drove out as fast as I could to find her." I explain.

"Is she ok? What hospital?" Qibli asks worriedly. "She is ok. Just a little shaky. We are at Possiblity Hospital. It's about two hours away from you guys." I say.

"We are coming." Qibli says. He hangs up without another word.

She might be free to go before they even get here.

- Jade

I sit in a hospital bed as they patch up my arm. The nurse asks me questions as well.

"Have you had any recent head injuries?" she asks. "Dissociative Amnesia three years ago. I was hit by a car." I say.

She looks at me. "You recovered from amnesia?" she asks. I nod. "Impressive." she whispers.

"Well since you recovered from such an injury chances of it coming back are low."

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