- Authors Note -

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This is my first ever fic so it will be very cringy😭

Kazuha and Scaradookie are 18 and in High School :D


A little cursing here and there

Written in third person

Ships: KAZUSCARA OBVI, EiMiko, Beigguang, Maybe XiaoVen?? (I dont ship it but i think dynamic is cute <3) 

If you find any grammar mistakes then pls tell me because I know I have horrible grammar skills. 

 Enjoy the fic loves <3333

EDIT: HELLOOO!!! This is "future" author and I just wanna inform you that this fic does end on a cliffhanger and does not continue after chapter 10.  My reason and more information will be on the "chapter" called "- IMPORTANT-ish Authors Note -".  You can still read the fic, ts still up as u can see but just a quick thing for u to know :D

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