- Chapter 10 -

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Rushed and idk what I had in mind for this chapter sooooo i might rewrite it


The school day was unfolding in a typical fashion, as students pushed their way through the hallways, engaged in lively conversations with their friends or quickly retrieving their belongings from lockers. Amidst the hustle and bustle, Scaramouche found himself stuck with his usual companions, a group of three who were discussing topics that Scaramouche wasn't very interested in.

His eyes were glued to the floor as he walked. But then, Scara heard Kazuha's voice from afar. He lifted his head and looked around, and sure enough, there was Kazuha. His bright crimson eyes sparkled in the sunlight, and he looked as delicate as ever.

When he got closer, he noticed something that made him freeze in his tracks. There was Kazuha, surrounded by a warm glow, holding a girl by the hand, and smiling at her oh so lovingly.

His heart ached.

Every detail of the scene was etched into Scara's mind - the way Kazuha's eyes sparkled, the way the girl's hair cascaded down her back, and the way they seemed to be lost in their own world. His heart sank at the sight.

His hand tightened into a fist, his nails digging into his skin.

Signora and Childe had already walked away, but he couldn't bring himself to follow them. The weight of embarrassment and hurt bore down on him, and he wished he could just disappear. He couldn't bear the thought of facing Kazuha after what he had seen.

Without a second thought, he turned around and ran, his heart pounding in his chest. He ran; away from Kazuha, away from that stupid girl, away from everything. The wind whipped past him as he fled from the scene, his breath coming in ragged gasps, and he didn't stop until he was completely out of sight.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he came to a stop. He looked around, making sure he was far enough away from Kazuha. Once he was sure he was in the clear, he darted into the nearest empty classroom. His body was trembling, and he tried to calm his breathing as he leaned against the wall, his chest heaving.


He took hold of the doorframe to steady himself, afraid he might pass out from exhaustion. He let out a cough, his lungs burning as he fought for even a small breath of air.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid little Scaramouche. What were you thinking? Of course, Kazuha was straight. Of course, he had a girlfriend. You don't even like him. He's not even yours. So what's with the reaction huh?

He knew very well that he looked like an absolute mess, but that was the last thing he cared about at the moment. He sat there, his eyes brimming with tears, the salty droplets cascading down his cheeks.

He made no effort to stop their flow, consumed as he was by his emotions. He quickly covered his mouth, making sure he wouldn't make a sound. It would be embarrassing if someone heard him or saw him like this.

He clutched the doorframe tightly as if it was some sort of way to release his anger. He doubled over, his chest heaving as he was wracked with coughs that shook his whole body.

The coughs came in rapid succession, each one more violent than the last until they gradually subsided and were replaced by the sound of his uncontrollable sobs.

His bangs draped over his eyes, concealing the tears streaming down his face as he wept like a helpless child in response to a small little discovery he found just a few minutes ago. He cursed at himself, throwing every insult he could at himself to make sure he felt more miserable than he already felt.

He looked weak, vulnerable, helpless even. He seemed defenseless and pitiful, almost like a lost child in a crowded market. Once he finally regained some of his posture, he took a deep breath. He started feeling dizzy, the world around him spinning rapidly.

Scaras's mind throbbed in pain, he felt sick, overwhelmed. But most important of all, he felt empty.

Suddenly, everything went black.

As he stood there, his ears were suddenly filled with a deafening noise that quickly subsided, leaving him with a dull ringing. Then, it was as if someone had pressed a mute button on the world - all the sounds he had heard just moments before were now muffled as if coming from underwater.

In the next instant, everything went pitch black.


(759 words)

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