- Chapter 3 -

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(Kazuha's Perspective:)

Kazuha came back inside and he checked the time.

"15 minutes before class starts..."

His next class was history, it wasn't his favorite class, but certainly not his least. While walking down the halls, he noticed a familiar figure in Mr. Ragnvindr's class. They looked like they were in a deep sleep.

Kazuha, being the nice person he was, didn't want the poor person to get in trouble for being late to class.

He entered the room to see it was empty, only that person was in there. He had indigo hair and bangs that covered his face. He instantly knew who it was. 


He sighed. Of course Scara was the one who fell asleep... Kazuha took a chair and sat beside him. Contemplating if he should wake Scara up or not.

Kazuha's hand went closer to Scara's face, his finger brushing against the indigo-haired boy's cheek.

He looks adorable when he sleeps...

Kazuha thought to himself, a soft smile forming on his face as he pushed a strand of hair behind Scara's ear to get a better look at the indigo-haired boy.

Kazuha  processed what he just thought.

Wait WHAT?! Did I just think he was cute for a second???

Kazuha blushed intensely and moved his hand away from Scara's face.

He shook his head in an attempt to brush it off.

"No...I didn't say that...it was just some random thought that slipped into my mind..."

Kazuha muttered, reassuring himself that he didn't actually mean to call Scara cute.

He buried his face in his hands.

"Scara would hate me if he heard what I said..," He whispered to himself.

"Should I wake him up...?"

He thought to himself before finally deciding to wake Scaramouche up.

~Back to Present~

Kazuha smiled at Scaramouche. Kazu noticed Scara look away; his face a crimson red.

"You're a bit red...Is something wrong..?"

Kazuha asked in concern; his smile fading away.

"Do you have a fever? I can go bring you to the nurses office to go see Dr.Bai-"

"I'm fine."

Scaramouche interrupted, trying to act tough even though his face was red from embarrassment.

"You don't look f-"

Kazuha got cut off once again.

"I said, I'm. Fine."

Scara said harshly, giving Kazuha a death glare.

"Are you sure..?"

"Yes, you moron."

"Alright then..."

They sat there in silence. Scaramouche's blush was dying down. Yay?

A few moments later, Kazuha spoke.

"Can I check..?" 

Kazuha asked.

- Eternal Love - KazuScara Modern AUWhere stories live. Discover now