- Chapter 4 -

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 (TW: CRINGE. I wrote this last minute...don't judge me...AND IT WAS LIKE 12:00 TOO, ON A SCHOOL NIGHT.)

As they ate, there was a noticeable tension in the air between Scaramouche and Kazuha. It was rather silent. However, it wasn't complete silence.

Venti, being the talkative one, was practically blurting out whatever came to his mind. On the other hand, Xiao was sticking to his usual quiet self, lost in his own thoughts. And then there was Heizou and Kazuha, who were engaging in a lively conversation with Venti, discussing a range of random topics. Scaramouche was just poking at his food, while secretly listening to Venti, Heizou, and Kazuha's conversation. Despite the differences in their personalities, their friendship was unbreakable.

"And then Mr. Albedo was li-"

Venti abruptly got cut off.

"Can we talk about something else other than the drama you overheard today...?"

Xiao spoke, looking up from his food.


"No buts."

"Hmph. Fine.."


Venti stopped for a moment to think about what to talk about.

After a few minutes of pondering, he finally thought of something to talk about.

"Oh! Did you know Xiao lik-"

Xiao immediately covered Venti's mouth.

"I told you not to tell them!"

Xiao muttered in frustration.

"Oopsie, pretend I never said that- eheh..."

Venti scratched the back of his neck and chuckled nervously.

"Anyways! Let's change the subject, shall we? I was wondering if y'all wanted to have a sleepover this weekend?"

Scaramouche's gaze shifted from his food to Venti, clearly intrigued.

Everyone agreed, leaving Scaramouche the last one to answer.

"If maple-boy is coming, then I will too I guess..."

Scaramouche responded with a sigh.

He looked up to see Venti and Heizou smirking at him.

"Don't get the wrong idea...I'm not coming because of Kazuha or because I actually, genuinely, want to hang out with y'all. It's not like I think of you guys as my friends or something."

Scaramouche said in an attempt to defend himself. He tried to keep his cold, arrogant persona. However, at the moment, he felt weak and vulnerable. Oh, how he wanted to wipe those annoying ass smirks off those morons' faces.

"Whatever you say ~" Venti teased, "Just know we're not buying it Scaramoochie."


Scara stayed silent for a moment before speaking up once more.

"What the heck is that nickname ...?"

"What? It's amazing."

"Whatever...Just know I still hate you guys. That includes you, Tone-Deaf Bard."

"Hate us or not, as long as you don't abandon us."

Venti said with a chuckle. Knowing Scaramouche would never do such a thing.

"Thanks for the idea."

Scaramouche replied with a smirk.

"I wouldn't mind him leaving, to be honest. I personally don't like him, and his attitude."

Xiao bluntly admitted, not taking back a single word he said.

Kazha and Heizou couldn't help but chuckle at the honesty of Xiao, finding it quite amusing. On the other hand, Venti burst into a fit of laughter, unable to contain his amusement at the situation.


"I think I'm gonna die from laughter-" Venti said afterward, still chuckling a bit.

"You WHAT?" Xiao yelled, his eyes widening and his face turning pale.

"Calm down! Calm down! I was just joking! You take things a little too seriously, Emo Boy."

Kazuha and Heizou laughed harder.

After a little while, the laughing died down and Kazuha wiped a tiny tear from his eye.

Scaramouche was giving Xiao a death glare the entire time. His gaze pierced through Xiao's poor soul.

This guy has some nerve to be talking down to me like that. Even worse, he said it straight to my face!

Scara thought to himself, his brow furrowing in frustration as he clenched his fists tightly. The sting of being insulted was not something he was accustomed to, and he couldn't help but feel a mix of anger and resentment at Xiao.

Suddenly, Scaramouche felt a hand interlock with his from under the table. This caught him off guard and his anger turned into pure shock. He looked down, seeing the hand of...































(657 words)

(A/N Leaving ya on a cliffhanger bc i hate y'all <3 /nsrs)

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