- Chapter 2 -

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( Scaramouches Perspective: )

Scaramouche left Kazuha behind, feeling a tad bit annoyed. Well, maybe not just a tad bit, but somehow he kept his cool as he walked out of the library and into the hallway. He didn't even know why he was annoyed. Is it because Kazuha disturbed him while he was doing something? Was it because Kazuha's rants were just annoying in general? Or was it because that stupid idiot just put his head on Scara's shoulder without warning..? Or maybe it was because he found Kazuha being so close to him.. rather nice..?

"Oh god..."

He tried to brush away the thought.

"Whatever... Just ignore that last thought," He muttered under his breath.

Scara walked to his next class just before the bell rang. Which was pretty rare. He was always late...But at the moment, the only way to get Kazuha off his mind was to distract himself with class.

He opened the door to math class. His eyes met with a pair of cold, fiery red eyes.

"Well hello, Mr. Raiden." 

Mr. Dulic Ragnvindr said with a slight smile, but Scaramouche found it rather creepy and it sent shivers down Scaramouche's spine.

"You're early."

I'm aware of that, dumbass...

Was what he wanted to say. But he kept that to himself.

"I know..."

Scara muttered, his voice barely audible.

It wasn't hard to notice Scaramouche's change in attitude, and Mr. Ragnvinder caught on to this quickly, but it wasn't his job to intrude. 

After a long silence, Mr. Ragnvinder spoke.

"Sit wherever you'd like."

Scara just nodded and walked towards the seat in the corner of the room; near the window.

Only a few minutes passed, the bell rang, and students came rushing into class. One by one, some scrambled to their seats like wild animals, while the others just took their time.

Scaramouche grabbed his math textbook and placed it on his desk; letting out a long sigh afterward. He sat back in his chair, one leg crossed over the other, and his head resting in the palm of his hand. He stared at the chalkboard that was filled with numbers and equations. Mr. Ragnvindr talking about calculus or something.

"What's the point of math anyway..?" Scaramouche pondered.

His eyes shifted from the blackboard to the window beside him.

A few minutes passed; he felt his eyes grow heavy as he stared at nothing in particular, now barely listening to whatever Mr. Ragnvindr was rambling on and on about.

His persistence to stay awake slowly wore off and he soon gave up. He began to let his body take over. Suddenly, everything went dark and he drifted into a deep, peaceful sleep without a care in the world.












"Scara?" He heard someone say.





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