- Chapter 5 -

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Scaramouche's eyes widened as he stared at Kazuha's hand, feeling a sudden warmth spread across his cheeks. He could feel his ears turning hot with redness. He was taken aback by the unexpected touch, and his mind raced to process what had just happened. After a few moments of hesitation, he withdrew his hand from Kazuha's grip, his gaze shifting nervously to meet the other boy's eyes.


Scaramouche snapped, remaining eye contact with Kazuha. Waiting for some sort of reply or response from the white-haired boy.

"You seemed a bit frustrated.. I just wanted to get your attention...."

Kazuha hesitated as he spoke to Scaramouche, trying to convey his sincerity. He knew his explanation might not be enough, but he had to try.

There was a brief moment of silence after he spoke, not knowing what to say next.

Kazuha finally mustered up the courage to say something. So he could set things straight with Scara.

"I'm sorry."

He apologized, his head hanging low.

"Out of all the things you could have done, you decided to hold my hand?! Are you insane??"

Scaramouche's tone was rather harsh. He wasn't exactly frustrated or annoyed, but rather in a state of confusion and fluster that left him searching for any possible answer.

"I said I was sorry..." Kazuha retorted, clearly trying to defend himself.

"Doesn't change what you did!"

Scaramouche sighed and face-palmed. His eyes quickly shifting away from Kazuha's eyes and onto the table, breaking eye contact. 

"Whatever- just...don't do that again."

The corners of Kazuha's mouth turned upward.

"I won't."

Kazuha replied before looking back at the group.

He sighed a sigh of relief when he saw the rest of the group wasn't paying attention to the two. He was glad no one listened to their conversation, or else...you know.

Scaramouche, on the other hand, was pretty much dying.

Scara's mind was flooding with thoughts. His heart pounded and his mind continued to race with thought. He felt slightly dizzy and nauseous, as if he was in the middle of an inner panic attack.

He couldn't shake off the feeling of warmth that lingered on his fingertips from Kazuha's touch. It was an uncomfortable sensation that seemed to spread throughout his entire body. It felt..odd.

He couldn't understand why he felt this way, especially since holding hands was a 'common gesture' between friends...well that was what he was told. Despite this, he couldn't deny the strange emotions that were stirring inside him.

Calm down Scaramouche. You're fine. This is a normal thing that happens in fucking normal friendships...Stop thinking so much of it!

He felt his breath catch in his chest as he closed his eyes and allowed himself to relive the moment in his mind. The sensations that flooded his body were overwhelming, making him feel as if he were suspended in time. As he opened his eyes and stared at the table in front of him, he couldn't help but feel...weird. It was the most intimate experience he had ever had with anyone, if he could recall correctly. 

He calmed down a bit after a few small deep breaths, his cheeks still slightly flushed. He felt so-


When he heard his name being called out, his thoughts paused. He flinched for a moment, looking up from his tray.

"What do you want, Venti?"

Scaramouche's tone was quite cold. He wasn't really in the mood to talk to people right now. Considering he was just having an internal crisis. 

"We're planning the sleepover right now. Kazuha and Xiao are bringing snacks and candy, and Heizou and I are bringing drinks. Can you bring the games?"

Venti asked, a slight smile on his face.

"Sure, I guess.."

Scara responded with a scoff.

"Tsk, you should be happy I even agreed to this stupid sleepover."

Venti had a slight smirk on his face, his elbow on the table and his hand supporting his head.

(A/N: If that doesn't make sense, it means like his head is kinda resting in the palm of his hand, and his elbow is on the table, supporting his head.)

"Yeah, yeah. That doesn't really matter now because you already agreed, didn't you?"

Venti said with a smirk.

Scaramouche scoffed again, looking at Venti with an annoyed glare.


Venti chuckled, and his smirk turned into a genuine smile. Getting Scara angry was quite entertaining to say the least. Well, that was what Venti thought.


(736 words)

(A/N: sorry for the short chapter i'll do better 😭 Also i kinda wanna hear y'alls opinions on this fanfic bc i am not really proud of it and i need advice-)

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