- Chapter 6 -

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Lunch ended and Scaramouche walked out to meet his two close friends, Tartaglia and Signora.

"Well if it isn't the one and only Scaramouche."

Tartagila said, leaning against one of the lockers.

"Hello, Tortellini."

Scaramouche replied, rolling his eyes.

Signora was next to Tartaglia, she let out a small chuckle at the  nickname Scara gave him.

"Hey! Can you at least come up with a better nickname??"

Tartagila protested, and Signora chuckled once more.

"I'd rather not. Too tired."

"You use your 'tiredness' as an excuse for everything!"

"No I don't!"

Scaramouche protested back.

The two argued nonstop. This was a normal thing between the two.

Signora was used to it. So she just stood there, watching the two bicker as if it was nothing new.

Signora was the only 'sane' one in their little trio. She was the calm'er' one; she was the one who babysat these children.

Although they all are the same age -except Tartaglia who is a year older than Scara and Signora- she couldn't help but feel like the mother of the group. She was the one who split them up before they murdered each other, the one who had to remind them not to misbehave, and the one who had to help them or force them to study.

Tartaglia and Scaramouche fought for a little while before Signora silenced them.

"I swear, I will kill you both if you two don't stop bickering like a bunch of preschoolers."

Signora said, her voice surprisingly calm, but there was a hint of annoyance in her tone. 

The two boys finally shut up, their attention now focused on Signora.

"Finally. You two are so annoying."

Scaramouche was clearly offended by Signora's comment, but he kept that to himself. Signora was the only person he feared. Let's just say...she's scary when she gets mad.

"We're sorry Signora..."

Tartagila apologized, Scaramouche nodded in agreement.

"It's fine."

Signora said with a small smile on her face.

"Now, we agreed to hang out today, so let's go, alright?"

The taller male nodded in response and the shorter male just sighed, only agreeing to this hangout so he could get his mind off of Kazuha.

Signora headed towards the door, Tartaglia and Scaramouche following her from behind.

(Time skip)


After the hangout, he was dropped off at his dorm room. He walked in, the cool breeze of the air conditioning hitting his face. A relaxing sensation after being in the sun for so long.

He walked to his room and started doing his leftover work. He sighed and got out his binder, taking out the pages of math problems.








Scaramouche was finishing up his homework, but for some reason, his mind went back to Kazuha and what happened in the cafeteria.

"Tsk, just when I thought hanging out with Signora and Tartaglia would get my mind off of him."

It was difficult for him to concentrate on his work when all he could think about was what happened at lunch.

He tried to push Kazuha out of his mind and focus on his work, but it was proving to be a challenge.

Despite his efforts, he couldn't help but feel distracted by thoughts of him. His mind kept going back to that moment, it never left his mind. Every time he thought about it, he felt butterflies in his stomach, and his face would turn red.

After a while, he got pretty annoyed. Suddenly, he slammed his notebook on his desk and let out a long sigh. He buried his face in his hands trying to think of something other than Kazuha.

"Ugh...Why do I keep thinking about him...and why do I keep getting so flustered over some stupid thing Kazuha did???"

He groaned.

"It was just a friendly gesture...nothing more..."

Scaramouche muttered to himself.

"But why did it feel so-"

He paused, a small pink hue forming on his cheeks.

"What was I thinking??? There's no way I actually liked that ...right?"

"Do I..."

He pausedonce more, removing his hands from his face.

"Like him..?"

He turned his head to the side and looked at himself in the mirror, his face burning red, still unable to control his emotions. Why is he suddenly feeling this way? It doesn't make sense.

He shakes his head.

No. That's just absurd.

He looks back down at his hands, almost like he wants to punch something. He's acting like an irrational idiot right now, and he knows it. But in the back of his mind, he can't deny how the warmth from Kazuha's touch still lingers within him.

He seems lost, and confused, he doesn't understand what the heck he was feeling. But he's 100% sure he doesn't like Kazuha romantically.

Besides, he never had a crush before, and it's not possible for him to develop feelings for someone like Kazuha.

Yet he sits there. Acting like some idiot who just fell in love for the first time. He looked like a love-sick fool who was going crazy over some silly little crush. But above all, he was confused.

Like a puppet trying to defy his own strings; he's not sure what to do.


(803 words)

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