- Chapter 9 -

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A/N: This chapter may be overwhelming due to big paragraphs...I HAD IDEAS RANDOMLY POP UP WHILE I WAS SLEEPING FOR SOME REASON. Also if your listening to music I suggest "Rises The Moon" or "My Love is Mine All Mine", for the first part. Again, these are just recommendations but I personally think any sort of soft claming songs are perfect <333


The sky was painted with hues of orange and pink as the sun began to rise from the horizon. As the first rays of sunlight hit the windows of the guest room, they casted a warm and shimmery glow on the walls.

Scaramouche was already awake, having slept for only a few hours.

The sound of birds chirping outside and the gentle breeze that caressed his face reminded him of the beauty of the morning. It was 6 AM, and for Scaramouche, waking up at this hour was just a normal routine.

As he slowly regained consciousness, Scaramouche became aware of a warm touch of some sort around his waist. He felt something soft and gentle embracing him tightly, and as he opened his eyes, he saw a pair of arms wrapped around him. The touch was delicate yet firm, and he could feel the rhythm of the person's heartbeat against his back.

His body shifted a bit out of pure instinct, but he didn't want to wake the person up, whoever they were.

His mind went back to last night. Trying to comprehend everything that was going on and who this so-called person was. As the fog in his mind cleared, he remembered everything.

Sleepover. One room left. One bed. Kazuha.


To confirm his suspicions he decided to turn around, and sure enough, right next to him was Kazuha. The warmth of the arms and the closeness of the boy sent a shiver down Scara's spine.

He couldn't help but admire how beautiful Kazuha looked. His white hair covering his face, his soft, delicate skin, and his calm, peaceful expression as he slept all seemed to add to his charm.

The blush slowly crept up on his face as he realized how much he was drawn to Kazuha. The admiration he felt for him was overwhelming, and he couldn't take his eyes off him.

This is weird...thinking about him like this...

Scaramouche averted his gaze away from Kazuha, thinking that doing so would help with the blush. Spoiler Alert; it didn't.

Kazuha was still there, holding Scara's waist tightly as if he was a damn teddy bear. Kazuha was still asleep of course, completely oblivious to the position they were in at the moment. Scaramouche sighed, and looked back at Kazuha's face. Out of pure instinct, his hand slowly crept up to Kazuha's hair, his fingers softly holding a little piece of Kazuha's hair and moving it behind his ear in one swift movement.

That soft caress didn't wake Kazuha. Gladly.

A small smile formed on Scaramouche's face. But when he noticed he was smiling, he covered his mouth and quickly looked away from the boy beside him. His eyes fell on the blanket, that was when he realized that the entire time, they'd been sharing the same blanket.

"Wait." He thought, "If he's...holding me like this...isn't this considered..."

Wait. This was considered...cuddling wasn't it? If you put that into words, you would make up something like, "Scaramouche is cuddling with his best friend." And that sounds VERY wrong.

As Kazuha held Scaramouche in bed, he couldn't help but wonder how they had ended up in this position. Just last night, they were at least two feet apart, but now he was in Kazuha's arms, feeling the warmth of the boy's body against his.

- Eternal Love - KazuScara Modern AUWhere stories live. Discover now