- Chapter 1 -

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"I can't take it anymore!"

Kazuha groaned as he buried his face in Scara's shoulder.

"What is it this time, moron?"

Scaramouche responded in an annoyed tone. 

For some odd reason, Scara wasn't pushing Kazuha away. He just stood there, silently waiting for a reply.

"It's too much! I have STACKS of homework I need to finish... And then I have to plan a fundraiser for the Student Council, and not only that! I can't even get some peace and quiet because of those stupid girls following me everywhere I go... " Kazuha ranted; clearly frustrated.

Scaramouche just scoffed, then he rolled his eyes and looked at Kazuha with disgust.

 After a little while, Kazuha lifted his head from Scara's shoulder and looked at Scaramouche with puppy dog eyes, as if he was begging for some sort of comfort. Unfortunately, Scara didn't get the hint.

"I'm too tired to listen to your useless rants." Scara answered coldly. "Can't you see I'm busy here?"

Of course he would say that... Why do I even bother..?

Kazuha thought to himself before speaking up once more.

"Busy? Since when was being on your phone considered busy ??"

He said in confusion. He glanced at Scara's phone, seeing that he was on TikTok.

Of course...

"You don't get it."

Scara replied before storming off and out of the library. Leaving Kazuha alone by himself.

Kazuha sighed. This was Scara's,quote on quote, 'normal' behavior. He was pretty used to it. Kazuha just stood there for a few seconds before deciding to leave the library. Heading toward the rooftop for some peace.

He walked up the stairs that led to the top of the school, his finger tracing the pattern on the walls as he walked closer to the door that led to the top of the building. Once he got close enough to the railing, he looked at the beautiful view before him.

He watched the autumn leaves gently fall from their trees and get swept up by the wind. The beautiful maple leaves' colors varied from crimson red, to dull orange, to even a slight gold color. The crisp, chilly fall breeze was oddly comforting. He smiled, feeling way more relaxed. He took out a small notepad he always carried around and started doing what he loved most;

Writing Poems.


(356 Words)


- Eternal Love - KazuScara Modern AUWhere stories live. Discover now