A Gift

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I watched Angie and Mac holding their baby. When I first met Mac, he seemed like a big, tough guy. It wasn't hard to see him in prison orange. But seeing how desperate he was to get Angie when she went into labor really changed my mind. I could see that he cared a lot about Angie and the baby. Now, as he was holding baby Maria in his arms, I could see tears forming in his eyes as he was holding her, I could see past his tough guy act. On the inside, he was soft, and he cared about Angie and their baby.

I glanced at one of the guards, who was watching Mac with an eagle eye. I made my way over to him, casually.

"Hey. Name's Michael Burke." I stated, holding out my right hand. The guard glanced at me, and shook my hand.

"David Walter." He muttered.

"That's Mac Flanery, right?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yep. Charged for making meth, rape, domestic violence, murder, kidnapping, and running from law enforcement." Officer Walter muttered. "Happy to see a twisted fuck locked up."

"How much do you think he's worth?" I asked, arching an eyebrow.

"Mm, I'd say 'round 150 grand. He's worth a lot." The guard sighed. "Kinda ironic for all the shit he's done."

"Yeah. But you gotta admit one thing, though." I pointed out, glancing back at Mac and his family. He was still holding Maria, smiling hugely at her. "He looks happy."

"Doesn't deserve it." David grunted.

"So one hundred and fifty grand, you say?" I quickly changed the topic.

"Yeah. That's just for bail though." He muttered. Then he glanced down at me. "Why do you care?"

"Just curious." I mumbled. David nodded, but kept an eye on me. I turned my attention back to Mac and Angie.


I watched Mac holding Maria, a huge smile on his face.

"Mac, you think I can hold our baby?" I asked, holding my arms out again. Mac smiled and nodded, gently setting Maria into my outstretched arms. She was light in my arms, and she was adorable.

"She has your nose." Mac murmured, pointing to her tiny nose.

"I wonder what color eyes she'll have." I mused.

"Hope they're green. Green's a beautiful color." Mac mumbled.

"I hope she has your dusty brown hair. I love your hair color." I stated, using my free hand to mess some of Mac's hair up. He didn't answer, just stared at Maria, biting his thumb nail. "Mac, you ok?"

"Yeah," he mumbled, "just wish I'd be there."

Tears started coming to my eyes. "Mac..." I trailed off. I didn't know what to say to comfort him. By the time he'd get out, he'd have great grand babies.

"So, did you get any word from Yale?" He asked, changing the topic.

"Not yet. Mac, don't worry. We'll visit every year. For all of our birthdays."

"C'mon Angie, don' say that. I don' wan' you to waste money to travel down here to see a convict like me." Mac stated.

"She won't have to waste her money." Mike spoke up for the first time. Mac and I glanced at him, confused. "I'm giving you your birthday present early, Angie."

"Mike - what do you mean?" I asked, confused.

"You won't need to come down to visit Mac anymore. Because Mac is a free man by tomorrow."

The room was silent. Mac's eyes were wide in shock. Suddenly, Maria started to squirm and cry. A nurse came back from the silence, and walked towards us. Gently, she took Maria from our arms.

"We're gonna run some tests on her, make sure she's healthy." She mumbled, quickly hustling out of the room. The other doctors followed.

"Mike, you don't have to do this..." But tears of joy were already running down my cheeks.

"Angie, I have a full scholarship. I don't need the savings anymore." He stated.


"Don't argue, Angie. Like I said; I'm giving you your birthday present early. Now, Mac, tomorrow you're gonna be a free man. I expect you to treat Angie and Maria right." Mike ordered, sternly. Mac stood up straight, and walked over to Mike. He towered over Mike, making him seem very small. Mike looked very nervous. Before he could see anything, Mac leaned down, and wrapped his arms around Mike's shoulders. Mike looked as surprised as I felt, then slowly placed his hands on the small of Mac's back.

"Thank you." Mac mumbled. "Thank you so much."

"No problem - can I breath? Please?" Mac let him go, and clapped him on the shoulders. In the distance, the warden and the security guard were shifting, glancing at each other.

Just then, the doors opened. "She's a healthy baby girl. Now, what's her name?" The head doctor asked.

I glanced at Mac, who nodded. There was a smile on his face. I turned to face the doctors.

"Maria Beth Flanery."

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