𝟎𝟔: 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐦𝐚'𝐬 𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞

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While Benny drove, Maisie looked out the window at the passing shops. Some part of her wanted to get out so she can look around to see what there was. She wondered about what kind of books existed here, what ice cream flavors they had, what music they listened to...

"It's not polite to stare," Marnie whispered to Dylan.

"Polite?" asked Dylan. "Let's talk about how legal it is to drive with no eyeballs."

"He's got a point there," Maisie agreed.

Benny asked, "So, first time in town for you kids?"

"Yeah," Marnie said. 

"We just got off the bus," Maisie said. "It's so cool here."

"Yeah," Benny agreed. "It's a pretty nice place. Better than a lot of graveyards I've hung out in, but that don't mean you kids can go running around here by yourselves."

Maisie asked, "Which graveyard is the nicest?" Dylan made a show of rolling his eyes and groaning at her question.

"The one next to a river, it has a oak tree smack dab in the middle of the graveyard. You can't miss it," Benny told her, like he was recommending a high-end resturant.

Marnie asked, "What do you mean that we shouldn't be running around here by ourselves?"

"Well, let's just say, there are characters around here that ain't the most savory," Benny explained. He motioned out the window, "Like that kid – Luke." There was a human looking boy talking to what looked goblins.

He wore attire that reminded Maisie of Jack, but Jack's hair was at least shoulder-length and blond.

Marnie asked, "Who is he?"

Benny explained, "Ah, he's just a local punk. Thinks he's a big shot just because he got a nose job and a couple of warts removed. Claims some shadow creature gave it to him. Ha!" He pulled up to an iron fence that had Cromwell on it. Sophie's mouth dropped open at the sight of the mansion. "Here we are. Chez Cromwell."

"Cool," Marnie said as she, Sophie, and Dylan got out of the cab.

Maisie reached into her pockets and took out a dollar that she didn't know she had. She handed it to Benny, "Sorry, this is all we got."

"It's fine," Benny said. "Free of charge. Catch me in the next life, ha!"

"Thank you for the ride," Maisie said as she got out of the cab. 

"See ya, kids," Benny told them, reversing.

"Bye," Marnie said, as they waved at him.

Dylan said, "He's probably animatronic. Disneyland is full of stuff like that."

"Yeah, well, when Mr. Lincoln drives me to the store, we'll talk," Marnie said, taking Sophie's hand and going to the gate. 

There was a padlock on it. Dylan looked at it, "Well, it's locked. Better head home." He started walking away and Maisie grabbed his arm. 

"No," Maisie told him. "We stick together. Besides, I'm sure Grandma has a good reason for padlocking the gate."

"Yeah, this is the perfect chance for me to try my powers," Marnie said.

"Powers?" asked Dylan, "What powers?"

"Well, I don't know," Marnie replied. "I haven't tried them yet." She cleared her throat, "Uh, abracadabra." 

Dylan had his arms crossed and gave Marnie a look.

"Open sesame," Marnie said.

Maisie asked, "Isn't it supposed to be 'open says me'?"

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