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Jujutsu Kaisen 0 spoilers

"Where are we?" Yuta asked nervously as he walked behind us. "This is an elementary school... or an elementary school where some children have gone missing" I said as Gojo finished what I was saying. "Huh!? Missing!?" Yuta said shocked. "It happens a lot in places like this. It's probably the work of a natural occurring curse" Gojo said looking at Yuta and Maki as I stood next to him.

"Are you saying a curse actually kidnapped some kids?" Yuta asked as I nod along with Gojo. "Two kids from what our window has told us. Curses tend to reside in places like this schools, hospitals, abandoned buildings ect. because of bad memories or because of negative emotions in the area" I said looking at Yuta and wondering if he understood. "This receptacle for curses all the pent-up emotions are what causes curses to be born and the more pent-up emotion there is the more stronger they get" I said after knowing that Yuta understood Gojo and Maki looked quiet impressed by my explanation.

"We are here to exorcise the curses and save the kids or recover their bodies if they are dead" Gojo said nodding his head at me. I sighed and crossed my fingers while saying "Emerge from the darkness, blacker than darkness. Purify that which is impure." Yuta at the sky confused and I started walking towards the car.

"Huh? It's turning into night?" Yuta asked confused as Gojo responded "It's a veil a barrier of sorts for you guys to be able to see the curses and it keeps us hidden from non-sorcerers" Gojo said walking toward the car. "It's easy to undo from the inside. Be careful you two try not to die" Gojo said.

"So Y/n any update on what A and Z thought on the Yuta execution with Rika thing?" Gojo asked me as he leaned against the car. "Well their theories were that 1. Rika would die with him but wouldn't be guaranteed 2. Rika would go on a rampage and kill anyone and everyone she can or 3. Rika would because a wandering spirit cursing anyone that she sees as Yuta" I said looking at him. "Man they really don't have any positive! I thought they would have a theory I agree with!" Gojo said laughing.

"Anyways the katana's are almost done. When should I give him the first katana sensei?" I asked him as he responded "Hmm, that was quicker than I thought but tomorrow. It's going to be much easier for him to transfer his and Rika's curse energy into the katana if he starts using it." I nod my head and look at the veil. "Before I forget has anyone besides me, Nanami, Mei Mei, Masamichi, and Shoko know about A and Z?" Gojo asked looking at me. "Hmm? No nobody knows I haven't told anyone besides you guys" I said as Gojo quickly responded, "Good keep it that way it's safer if fewer people know especially your classmates."

I heard my phone ring and saw it was Yuji. I pointing to a nearby wall and said "Sorry Sensei this is an important call. I'll be over there if you need me." He nodded his head and excused me while thinking 'Important huh? Tch they always call her at the wrong time why can't she just decline or text them she can't call!'

"Hey Yu what's up?" I asked smiling as I heard him ask 'Hey, Y/n! Nothing just wanted to talk to you. How's that exchange program in Tokyo going?' "Oh that! It's going great! But do miss seeing you and grandpa. Speak of him how is he doing?" I asked as he groaned 'I miss you too nee-san! But he's the same as always grumpy and angry that I'm not at my club even if it had already ended!'

I giggled and said "That's good that he's still the same. What club did you join Yu?" 'Man, not you too! I joined the cult club!' Yuji said excitedly. "Oh really? That's cool! Anyways Yu I have to go. I'll ask my sensei if I could go see you and grandpa for a bit" I said as I heard him respond 'okay nee-san! Take care.' "You too Yu bye" I said smiling as I hung up and walked back to Gojo.

"Ohh~ were you talking with your boyfriend?" Gojo asked teasingly while feeling jealous on the inside. "No Sensei I was talking to my brother. Oh, won't you look at that" I said looking at the veil as I saw curse blood get all over it. "That's terrifying, Rika Orimoto at her strongest an impressive special grade curse. So scary" Gojo said laughing as I looked at him and shook my head.

"Welcome back... you did well" Gojo said as I placed my hand on the kids' back and slowly healed them.

"The doctor said they are all going to be fine. No need to worry about them" I said sitting next to Yuta as he sighed in relief. "That's good..." Yuta said looking at the ground as Gojo spoke "Funny you don't look very relieved to me or Y/n based on her expression."

"I did it. I managed to call Rika all on my own" Yuta said looking at the ring on his finger as I said and patted his back "Really? Well, that's a big step forwards no? You should be proud of yourself Yuta." 'She's so kind... why would she be so happy and optimistic about this life?' Yuta thought while looking at me before seeing a little sick boy.

"Yuta you okay?" I asked him grabbing his shoulder. "Huh? Uh yea, I'm fine... I just remembered something" Yuta said looking at me and then at Gojo. "I'm starting to think Rika didn't curse me at all... I think I'm the one cursed Rika instead" Yuta said looking down as me and Gojo stared at each other while thinking 'so we were right about that'.

"You may be right. There's no curse more twisted than love" Gojo said as Yuta bit his lip. "All right while I'm a jujutsu high there's something I want to learn. I want to break Rika's curse" Yuta said confidently as I looked at him and smiled at his confidence reminding me of Yuji's. 'He reminded me of Yu but more introverted and quiet. He knows what he wants and wants to do what he can that's what I like.' I thought while smiling.


"A special grade curse apparition Rika Orimoto was fully manifested for 442 seconds. We entrusted you with Yuta Okkotsu precisely so this could be prevented there's no room for excuses Gojo and Itadori" one higher-up said angrily. "Well that's good cuz we have no excuse" Gojo said smiling while rubbing his head as I stood next to him while thinking 'Man why am I here? I'm a student, not a faculty member! Whatever I'll just deal with it.'

"How can you joke about this? If Rika Orimoto had remained out of control. She could have wiped out the entire town" another higher-up said agitated. "If she had I and Gojo would have risked our lives to stop her" I said as Gojo continued talking "Listen now that we've seen it there's only one thing we can say about this curse and that's I don't understand. Why would a little girl who wasn't from a line of jujutsu sorcerers become such an immense and powerful curse? We can't control something that we don't understand."

"So it's going to take some trial and error leave it alone for a while and see if it works out" I said as me and Gojo started to leave. "Don't forget Yuta Okkotsu's execution has only been temporarily suspended" another higher-up said. "And don't you forget that is it comes to that decision. I'll side with Yuta Okkotsu" me and Gojo said at the same time.

Fun fact: Y/n calls Yuji 'Yu', Maki 'Ki', Inumaki 'Inu', Ijichi 'Ijichi-san', Yuta 'Ta' and Gojo 'sensei but sometimes Satoru'.

1365 words

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