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Jujutsu Kaisen 0 spoilers

"So it is true! You really are her! You're the host of those people! Truly amazing!" Geto said laughing as Yuta looked at me confused and concerned at the same time. I raised my hand to the sky almost like a puppet and said "C̴͙̑ǒ̴̝m̵̡͛ě̷ͅ ̶̯͘ọ̵̊ǔ̵̱ṯ̸̔ ̴͇̾Ă̶̻c̵̝͋n̵̛̬o̸̤͑l̷̫̚ö̶̹́g̵̮̎į̵̔a̴͕̋!" After saying that a black dragon with blue appeared behind me and roared before turning into a man.

"O̷̤̐ů̶͚ŕ̶̦ ̶̘͊e̶̳͋n̵͓̏e̸̛͍m̵̗͠y̵͎͘ ̷͎͐į̷̕ṣ̸͛ ̶̯̅t̷̗̅h̷̙̔a̷̪͋ṭ̸̑ ̶̻̚m̶̘̂a̷̝̚n̴̮̽ ̵͎͗o̴̺̒v̷̮͛e̴͕͠r̷̠͋ ̵̮̚ẗ̶͔h̴̥̚e̶͕͆ṙ̸̥e̸̞͘" I said to him as he grinned maniacally. "Great! That means I can go crazy right?" He asked cracking his knuckles as I nodded my head and turned to Yuta with Rika. "L̷e̴a̵v̵e̷.̵ ̶G̸o̵ ̵s̷t̷a̸y̷ ̴w̷i̸t̷h̴ ̶M̵a̵k̵i̶,̵ ̷P̵a̶n̴d̶a̷ ̷a̸n̶d̶ ̵I̸n̸u̸m̷a̴k̸i̷ ̷i̵t̵'̴s̵ ̶n̷o̵t̴ ̸s̸a̷f̷e̷ ̴f̴o̶r̸ ̸y̵o̶u̶ ̸t̵w̶o̴ ̴h̷e̷r̶e̵" I said as Yuta looked at me trying to say something but Rika grabbed him taking him to Maki, Panda, and Inumaki.

Geto summoned more curses as Acnologia started having a field day. He killed curses left and right as I grabbed my katana holding it close to my face and taking deep breaths. "W̴i̸t̴h̶ ̸t̸h̶i̶s̴ ̸s̴w̴o̵r̴d̶,̵ ̵I̸ ̷Y̸/̶n̸ ̸I̴t̴a̸d̷o̴r̵i̷ ̷e̵m̷p̸l̴i̶f̸y̶ ̴A̶c̶n̷o̷l̷o̸g̸i̸a̴ ̴t̶h̵e̴ ̴b̴l̸a̴c̶k̸ ̶d̸r̸a̷g̴o̸n̴'̵s̴ ̶a̸t̸t̸a̸c̸k̷s̷.̷" I said as a blue and black aura surrounded Acnologia, he got stronger and stronger by the second

Geto managed to get behind me and punched me but I quickly blocked it with my arms. I looked at my sword which had some damage and shook my head. "Y̷o̸u̵ ̴r̶e̶a̶l̷l̷y̷ ̴a̵r̸e̸ ̷a̵ ̷p̷a̶i̵n̵ ̷i̷n̶ ̸t̷h̸e̵ ̵a̶s̸s̷" I said annoyed as I put my hands together. "P̸i̷e̵r̶c̴i̸n̸g̷ ̸b̴l̵o̸o̴d̵" I said as he looked shocked and dogged it before Acnologia punched him into a wall.

Acnologia moved next to me still grinning as he wrapped his arm around my waist. "Truly wonderful! Such amazing power. But I'm still going to kill Yuta Okkotsu and consume Rika" Geto said summoning his weapon as I glared at him. "Y̶o̶u̴ ̸w̶o̶n̷'̶t̸ ̴b̴e̷ ̴k̷i̷l̵l̸i̶n̵g̷ ̶a̵n̵y̸o̸n̵e̸.̷ ̷I̴'̴l̵l̴ ̸b̸e̴ ̴t̷h̴e̶ ̵o̶n̷e̶ ̶k̶i̴l̷l̸i̷n̶g̶ ̶y̷o̵u̴!̷" I said angrily as Acnologia felt pure delight as I got angrier by the second.

"Yes Y/n! Get angrier! I can feel it you're power you have held back it spilling out of the cracks!" Acnologia said excitedly. I charged towards Geto and hit his weapon breaking my katana. "You really are deserving of a special grade sorcerer but you're still weak" Geto said before I punched him with black and a bit of red with blue came out.

"You really are strong... I guess it was foul judgment" Geto said standing up. "Among curses, there are 16 special grades let me introduce you to one of them. special great potential apparition incarnate Tama Monomi" Geto said as Yuta appeared next to me with Rika. "On top of that, I'll combine the 4,461 curses I possess into one and strike you both with it. Cursed spirit manipulation supreme art May Astrom" Geto said summoning a giant black ball of curses.

"Yuta Okkotsu I'm so happy my timing was perfect. Since I came to kill you before you can unleash Rika Orimoto. And I guess that can go to you too Y/n Itadori! I'll be sure to consume every potential spirit that you have!" Geto said smiling as I turned to Acnologia as he turned back into his dragon form. "Acnologia... thank you for everything you have done for me. Please if I die like this I want you to kill him no matter what. Now I Y/n Itadori release Acnologia the Apocalyptic and Black Dragon's true power!" I said as a black and blue chain snapped around me and Acnologia.

I turned to Geto as Yuta did as well after releasing Rika's true potential. I snapped my fingers as a blue ball of flames flew out of Acnologia's mouth and a purple ball flew out of Rika's. They both combined as they flew towards Geto. After the explosion me and Yuta passed out and were woken by Maki, Panda, and Inumaki.

I grabbed Panda's shoulder as he helped me stand up. "Yuta/ Y/n" Rika and Acnologia called out to us. "What the!?" Maki exclaimed as Panda and Inumaki stood up. I put my hand out telling them it was fine and walked to Acnologia as Yuta walked to Rika. "Wait what's going on?" Maki asked confused. Yuta stopped as I did as well confused about what his deal was with Rika. "Well you see in exchange for using her power I kind of promised to go and live with Rica from now on" Yuta said which shocked me.

I turned to Rika and Acnologia as they transformed into humans and Acnologia quickly went to my side. "Congratulations you broke Rika's curse" Gojo said as the others asked "Who are you?" Which made me laugh a bit as he said "Your good-looking teacher Satoru Gojo."

"I thought of the theory Yuta came up which sounded interesting. So I requested an investigation into their families the information about Rika's family came to me a long time ago but Yuta's history was full of holes at best that's when it finally came to light. You're the descendant of Sugawara Michizani which makes us super distant relative!" Gojo said excitedly while Yuta was confused but the others and myself were shocked.

"You're right the whole Rika didn't curse you, you cursed Rika. Now the one who placed the curse has canceled the bond as long as the person who was cursed doesn't seek retribution against you. The curse is fully broken of course that much was obvious after seeing her in that form" Gojo said as Yuta started crying and apologizing to Rika. Rika walked to him and hugged him saying before starting to disappear "Yuta thank you for giving me more time and letting me stay by your side. During the 6 years I was cursed I've been happier than I ever was before. Bye Yuta take care and don't cross to my side anytime soon okay? See you later."

"Okay now that's out of the way can we talk about the elephant in the room!?" Maki asked pointing to Acnologia. "Oh, so you did summon him Y/n. I guess there's no point in hiding it anymore. Are you going to tell them or do you want me to tell them?" Gojo asked me as I said "I'll tell them... it seems wrong if I don't tell them."

"You guys know that Acnologia here used to be one of the strongest people before anyone else" I said as they nodded their heads as Gojo said "Well I think you should start from the beginning of you're life Y/n because then the story will make more sense."

I nodded my head as I looked at them and said "You see ever since I was born I was able to see curses. But my family wasn't except for my mother I think. But she died a couple of months after giving birth to my brother and my father disappeared after that too. So it was just me, my brother, and my grandfather. Every time I told my grandfather I saw curses he told me it was all in my imagination. Which I believe until Gojo came to my school to exorcise a curse and felt my curse energy. He stopped me and asked questions and told me about Jujutsu High and what they do. We both came up with a plan to tell my grandfather and brother I was accepted into an 'exchange program' which was a lie and they were excited for me and didn't ask questions. Gojo told me about the curse techniques that I wheeled and not to tell anyone besides the adults I trust which I did. These people used to be some of the most powerful people before Sukuna ever existed. The people I'm talking about are Acnologia, Zeref Dragneel, Irene Belserion, ect.  I never wanted to lie to you guys it's just that I didn't know how you guys would see me I'm deeply sorry" I said bowing my head while biting my lip.

"It's fine Y/n we understand why you did it come on we're all friends here. Aren't we?" Maki said as I raised my head and smiled.

A couple of months later

We waited for Yuta and Gojo. "Come on Yuta! Are you even ready to go?" I asked playfully as he nodded his head. He walked over to us and said "Oh before I forget thank you Y/n for the new katana. I'm sorry for breaking the last one." I laughed and wrapped my arm around his shoulder while saying "Hey don't worry about it 'Ta! I mean because it was a couple of months ago!" He chuckled as we walked away with the group.

End of Jujutsu Kaisen 0

1471 words

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