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Y/n's POV

Once Ijichi stopped the car in front of the school I got out of the car and stretched as I thanked him. I went to my dorm room and put my stuff down. I smiled seeing my poster board full of pictures of me, Yuji, our grandfather, Maki, Panda, Inumaki, Gojo, and Yuta. I sighed while grabbing a picture of me and Yuji. I smiled and decided to put it on my phone case.

After putting it in my phone case I decided to go to the training grounds and saw Maki, Panda, Inumaki, and two first years. 'Oh, it's 'gumi! I haven't seen him in a while. It's good to know he's here at Jujutsu High now' I thought as I noticed they didn't sense my presence yet. I decided to just watch for a bit. But after 5 minutes I got bored and said "Hey guys!" They all looked at me as I waved at them while going down the stairs. "Y/N!?" Maki and Panda yelled out in shock as I smiled. "Hello! 'gumi it's so good to see you and of course all of you too!" I said grinning as Megumi thought 'She said it was good to see me first? Omg, I can't believe she said that to me first!'

Inumaki stood up and walked over to me and hugged me. I smiled and hugged him back. I patted his shoulders as he pulled away from the hug. I noticed another girl and appeared in front of her scaring her by accident. "Hello! Sorry if I scared you but I'm Y/n! You are?" I asked her extending out my hand for her. "Huh, I'm Nobara Kugisaki it's a pleasure meeting you!" She said shaking my hand as I smiled. "So Y/n what are you doing here?" Maki asked while pulling me away from Nobara. "Hmm? Oh, I'm here to participate in the goodwill event!" I said smiling not noticing Maki glare jealously at Nobara. "Well that's good do you want to join us in training?" Panda asked as I nodded my head and smiled.


I sighed as I entered my room after training. I walked to my closet and picked out some pajamas. I laid them down on my bed but then heard a knock on my door. I walked to the door and saw Gojo standing there smiling at me. "Hey! Y/n can I come in?" Gojo asked as I nodded my head and let him in.

Gojo sat in a chair in my room as I sat on my bed after closing the door. "Is there something you need to tell me Gojo-sensei?" I asked as he responded "Yes I do! I think you'll be very excited!" I start nervously sweating because me and Gojo 'exciting things' were very different. "I want you to train someone but it will take a while before you'll be able to train them or help them" Gojo said studying my expression.

"Oh okay? Will you tell me when they'll be ready for me to train them? Or at least tell me their name so that I can help them a bit?" I asked him as he said in a childish tone at the end "Yes I will tell you when they'll be ready but I'm not going to their name!~ Also there Sukuna's vessel bye!" I sighed as he warped out of my room.

'Gojo-sensei~ you're a strange man also Sukuna's vessel? Isn't Sukuna's vessel dead?' I thought before looking at a picture of younger me, Yuji, our parents, and our grandpa. 'Dad, where did you go? I know mom died a couple of months after giving birth to Yuji but you just disappeared after... what happened to you?' I thought before changing into my pajamas and falling asleep. (I don't know when Kenjaku left Kaori's body and it isn't told in the manga so that's what I think happened cuz idk.)

The next morning

I yawned and stretched my arms out. I sighed as I got up and changed into my uniform. I walked outside the dormitory and started walking towards the training grounds. I summoned Larcade and he appeared in front of me meditating. "Ah, so you summoned me to train right Y/n?" Larcade asked trying not to sound as excited as he was. I nodded my head as he stood up and got into a fight stance. We trained for 1 hour and 10 minutes until Maki, Panda, Inumaki, Nobara and Megumi interfered. "What the hell is going on!?" Maki asked while thinking 'Who the hell is this guy!? Why is he fighting Y/n!? Does he want to take her away from me!?'

Inumaki thought 'Who the hell does he think he is? fighting Y/n and thinking I wouldn't know? Disgusting.' Panda thought 'Who's this guy? And what does he want with Y/n?'

Nobara thought 'Why is this guy fighting her! He should be ashamed of himself!' Megumi thought 'Y/n thank goodness you're okay. But that man... what does he want with you!'

I saw Larcade start to active R.I.P. so I quickly ran to him and said quietly "Larcade calm down they aren't here to hurt me or you. They are my friends okay? Calm down." Larcade looked at me without me noticing the obsession in his eyes and nodded his head deactivating R.I.P. "Y/n! Who is he!?" I heard Maki asked angrily. "Can you guys all calm down? He's my friend one of the people I can summon because of my curse technique remember?" I said calmly not noticing Larcade glare at them with a satisfied smirk on his face after wrapping his arm around my waist.

All their eyebrows twitched experience for Panda as he said "Oh! Right, it's just that we didn't know him! What's his name?" "My name is Larcade Dragneel" Larcade said calmly but his thoughts said otherwise 'OMG OMG OMG IM TOUCHING HER! THE OTHERS WILL BE SO JEALOUS WHEN I RETURN! It's pretty pathetic her "friends" are getting jealous of me!~' Maki cleared her throat and asked "So what were you two doing?"

"Oh, we were just training! Right Larcade?" I said looking at him and smiling as he smiled back and said "Yes that's what we were doing. We were just training there's no reason you should worry." I tilted my head a bit confused as they glared at him for having such a cocky smirk on his face.

"Hmm, anyway do you want to train with us Y/n?" Panda asked as I shook my head. "No, I want to continue training with Larcade but I may join you guys when I finish!" I said as Maki groaned silently. They all left leaving me and Larcade alone so that we could train.

After training

I was panting and sweating after training as well as Larcade. "Goodness seems like we really went on for a long time" Larcade said panting as I saw the sunset. "We really did huh? I'm tired" I said stretching as Larcade chuckled. "Do you wish for me to carry you to your room?" Larcade asked as I thought about it and nodded my head.

Larcade carried me princess-style to my room. After reaching the door he opened it and placed me on my bed. He bowed his head and disappeared. I stretched my arms and got up to close my door. After closing it I went to take a shower. I hummed while brushing my hair. I put on my pajamas and looked at my poster board.

I smiled while looking at the poster board but then raised an eyebrow when I saw a picture that was never there before. I got up grabbed the picture and looked at it. It was of me and my mom but it was cut as if someone didn't want me to see what was on the other side of the picture.

I looked out my window for a second, I could have sworn I saw Geto. I blinked and he was gone I was so confused. I shook my head and placed the photo back where it was. I sat on my bed while running my fingers threw my hair. I sighed thinking I was just worried about Yuji. I heard my phone ring and saw it was Yuta. I smiled and answered it.

14 minutes

Yuta hung up because the third years 'needed him' I chuckled. 'It's good to know they're okay over there. It's nice to be back. I wonder when they'll be back on campus... eh whatever. Plus I need to sleep' I thought as I laid down and slept. But what I didn't notice was the man standing in the corner of my room silently watching me.

1476 words

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