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Jujutsu Kaisen 0 spoilers

"Suguru Geto a special grade curse user with the ability to draw in and manipulate naturally occurring unbound curses that's his skill. He's established a new religious group so that curses can be collected by his followers" Ijichi said and continued "This explains the decline in curses. He also already possesses many curses and, it's certainly, he has a lot more now than he's had. He claims to possess 2 thousand of them and that may not be a bluff."

I tapped my leg nervously as Gojo patted my back. "But statistically most of them are weaker second grade or lower. Also estimating generously he can't have more than 50 curse users" Masamichi said as Gojo said "That's the part that terrified me the most about this. I find it hard to believe he would start a war that he could win." That made me run my fingers through my hair nervously.

"Put out a call for all twelve alumni, alert the three major clans and the Ainu Jujutsu Society. It's is all-out war and its just not curses while exorcising it's Geto" Masamichi said as I walked out with Shoko. "You okay dear?" She asked me knowing I was getting nervous. "Yea.. I'm fine just nervous... I hope I don't kill anyone or hurt them" I said biting my nails as she looked at me and said "Sweetheart I know you don't want to hurt anyone but we are at war. Killing is a part of the job in war. But make sure if you do kill anyone to stay away from you're friends or any other sorcerers if you don't want to expose your secret." I nodded my head and sighed.

December 24th, 2017 the day of Hyakki Yakkou

"Hey Yuta you okay? You do know classes have been canceled?" I asked him sitting on the desk next to him. "Yea, I do I've just been feeling restless. Anyways what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be on the front lines?" Yuta asked as I shook my head and said "Gojo-sensei and principal Masamichi said it would be better for me if I stayed back in case of anything. I mean someone needs to protect the school while they're gone."

He oohed as he asked "Hey about Maki... How come she doesn't talk about curse energy or anything about her curse energy?" I looked at him and said "Well it's not really my place to tell you but I know she wouldn't mind. Her family is the Zenin clan one of the major elite clans. One of the major things to become a sorcerer is to see curses and to have curse energy. Maki can't see curses without her glasses since they are imbued with curse energy and can't use curse energy without her curse tools. That's why Geto called her a failure but just because she doesn't see curses or have curse energy of her own doesn't mean she's useless at all."

He looked at me and asked "What about you?" "Hmm? Me?" I said as he nodded his head. I sighed before responding "Well you see my family aren't sorcerers or anything really they are just ordinary people. Myself and my mother I think are the only ones able to see curses or use curse energy compared to my younger brother, father, and grandfather. They can't see curses or use curse techniques."

"Wow really? So was it hard for you growing up?" Yuta asked as I nodded my head and responded "Yeah it was a bit hard since my mother died and my father disappeared as well. My grandfather never believed me when I said I saw curses and thought it was my imagination. Until a couple of months ago I thought it was just me imagining things before Gojo told me I wasn't imagining things. I told my grandfather and younger brother I was accepted into an 'exchange program' in Tokyo and they were happy for me. So I've been here for a while."

Yuta looked at me in shock and said "To be honest I thought you might have been from one of those elite clans since you're so strong but I guess I was wrong." I laughed and said "To be honest that's a compliment Yuta! Thank you for thinking that." I smiled at him as he smiled back at me. "What the!? A veil being drawn over the school!? By who and why!?" Yuta said as I looked out the window with him.

'Damn it! He's here... what do I do if anyone sees me use my curse technique I'll be dead' I think as the school shook making me fall into Yuta's arms. "Ah! Sorry, Yuta that was just unexpected" I quickly apologized as he blushed and said "No it's okay!" We heard another explosion as the ground shook again. "That's the second one what's going on?" Yuta asked.

"Yuta we should go check it out bring your katana" I said drawing out my katana as he nodded and followed my lead. " 'Ki! Panda! Inu!" I yelled out seeing them all injured as Yuta stood next to me in shock. "Reverse curse technique: Death" I said making a black aura appear on top of Maki, Panda, and Inumaki.

"Wonderful I'm so incredibly touched! This is the world I yearn for! You all raced down here to save Okkotsu! Jujutsu sorcerers sacrificing themselves for a colleague! All here right before my very eyes!" Geto said as I looked at him in pure rage. "To be honest I wanted you to live Yuta I really did. But this battle is of the future of the Jujutsu World" Geto said as Inumaki said "Run... away."

"Come on out Rika!" Yuta said summoning Rika. "I'm going to kill you Yuta Okkotsu" Geto said as Yuta responded "Not before you die!" I was shocked hearing him say that I looked at him and Geto while thinking 'Kill... Kill... Kill... do... I really... want... to kill... him...?'

Rika took us to a higher place as I continued healing Maki, Panda, and Inumaki. "Y/n!? Are you okay!? You're bleeding!" Yuta said as Rika looked at me concerned. "I'm fine Yuta. It's just that I'm using curse energy to heal them. It's a side effect. Don't worry about me focus on you're battle" I said wiping my nose. Rika grabbed Maki out of the blue and started saying "Not fair not fair! It was always you!" "Rika what are you doing!? That's the woman who saved our life!" Yuta told her as she came back and put Maki in my arms and said "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please don't be mad at me!"

"I'm not mad" Yuta said as Rika cried and said "Please I don't want you to hate me!" Yuta looked at her and said "I could never hate you Rika." Yuta stepped near the ledge of the railing and talked to Rika as I continued healing them. '.............K̴̻̩̏i̵̩̣̹͊̽̉̎l̷̻̫̿l̸̫͑̀͂ ̸͇̻̔̍̚̕Ş̶̪̠̻͌͒͘ư̵̠͛r̷͕̳̖̚u̵̮͊͑̚g̴̠͖͓͛̈́ŭ̵̱̈́ ̸̫̩̞̭̽̈̋G̶͚͚̺̋̃͝e̷̎̎͜ẗ̴̹̮͛̽͝ö̷͔́' I thought standing up and feeling myself lose control.

I teleported behind Geto and punched him sending him flying. "Y/n!" Yuta said looking at me in shock as I didn't look at him. "....K̴̻̩̏i̵̩̣̹͊̽̉̎l̷̻̫̿l̸̫͑̀͂ ̸͇̻̔̍̚̕Ş̶̪̠̻͌͒͘ư̵̠͛r̷͕̳̖̚u̵̮͊͑̚g̴̠͖͓͛̈́ŭ̵̱̈́ ̸̫̩̞̭̽̈̋G̶͚͚̺̋̃͝e̷̎̎͜ẗ̴̹̮͛̽͝ö̷͔́" I said in a deep voice almost like a man's voice startling Yuta and Rika while shocking Geto as he laughed. "So the rumors are true! You are the..."

To be continued

1242 words

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