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Jujutsu Kaisen 0 spoilers

"Damn those school directors are such rude geezers and I'll never become like them" Gojo said as I walk beside him. "You better not sensei" I said looking forwards. "Don't they get it? No one should be allowed to take the youth away from young people" Gojo said looking at Yuta and the others. "Seems you have a new favorite student sensei" I said giggling.

"Aww, what you jealous that you aren't my favorite~ don't worry you'll always be my number one favorite no matter what" Gojo said laughing even though he had some seriousness that I didn't notice as I rolled my eyes. "No one will take their youth away that includes you Y/n" Gojo said looking at me as I nodded my head. "I never asked why are you siding with Yuta? If you want to answer" Gojo asked me as I answered "Why wouldn't I? He's kind and sweet also I consider him a friend so that's why I'm siding with him." Gojo chuckled and thought 'So that's why. Interesting very interesting. It just shows her character a lot but that's a good thing.'

"Here Yuta" I said handing a katana. "Huh!? For me?" Yuta asked surprised as Gojo said "Yup! I asked her to make it for you. It's nearly impossible to exorcise a curse as big as Rika Orimoto. However, breaking the curse is a different story." Both me and Yuta looked at him confused more so on Yuta's behalf. "You have to identify thousands of knots of cursed energy and unravel them one by one. It's a method that can only be pursued by you the person that she's cursed."

"But what am I supposed to use this for?" Yuta asked looking at Gojo and then at me as I spoke "You see curses become stable when they possess an object like a weapon of sorts. You remember back at the school you used that ring to connect with Rika and call her. The pipeline is basically already there, so now you'll need to borrow part of Rika's curse and imbue it into the katana, control the energy. You'll also need to increase the amount of energy you use time and time again. Then you'll have the curse in your control and once you do that. You'll be free both you and her."

"But that's not all! You will also have to learn how to wield the blade until you can combine those two techniques. You'll still be weak so the best thing to do is to get you training ASAP!" Gojo said smiling. "Oh and before I forget if you have any questions or want to train when Maki, Toge, or Panda aren't here you can ask Y/n!" Gojo said patting my back.


"Oh that was a nice block" Panda said as I nodded my head in agreement. "What's up! How's it going!" Gojo yelled out as Yuta turned and said before being cut off "It's going-." 'Man Maki didn't even let him finish the sentence poor Yuta' I thought as my phone rang I texted Yuji that I couldn't call because I was busy. "Congrats you're dead I win again undefeated" Maki said smiling as I sighed and stood up walking towards them.

"Alright Maki that's enough you can get off Yuta now" I said patting her back as she got off him and she thought 'Tch why does she care so much about him? I'm her best friend, not him! She should be congratulating me not trying to help him'. I helped Yuta up and dust him off a bit. "Please let's go again! I want to get better so that I can break Rika's curse!" Yuta said to Maki as I walked back to the group.

"It's been 3 months since Yuta joined Jujutsu High his moves are getting better and better each day" Panda said as Inumaki said "Salmon". Gojo said placing his hand under his chin "His personality is more positive now" and Inumaki said "Salmon roll." "Maki looks likes she's having fun too I don't think she's gotten to spar very often with other people besides me" I said as Panda gasped and stood up.

"Yuta come here come over here!" Panda said stepping onto the field as Yuta went over to him confused. I raised an eyebrow and looked at Inumaki who shrugged his shoulders. I heard Panda ask Yuta if he preferred big boobs or small boobs making me choke on my spit. "To be honest I've never given it much thought before..." Yuta said as I thought 'Oh you sweet summer child please don't say anything else!' "I guess given the choose I like them somewhat big" Yuta said as I thought 'Yuta!! You could've just not answered! You sweet boy!'

"Oh really? Maki, Y/n you both have a shot!" Panda said going towards Maki as I think 'Huh!? He thinks I like Yuta like that!? I'm just trying to be friends with him! Panda you're crazy.' Maki was confused and asked "Huh? What crazy ideas are you thinking about!? And what about Y/n!?" I stood next to Inumaki as Yuta asked "What are they fighting about?" Inumaki responded "Kelp."

"Okay gather around you two continue training or whatever you're doing" Gojo said staring at Maki and Panda. "Toge, Y/n you two have been requested for a curse. It shouldn't take the two of you too long to exercise it" Gojo said looking at us and Yuta asked "Requested?" "You see Yuta. Y/n is a Semi-first grade while Toge is a second grade amongst us first years. They're allowed to go on missions all on their own" Panda said while being stepped on by Maki.

"Wow that's impressive" Yuta said looking at us as Maki said "Your special grade is higher." "Yuta why don't you go along with them? You'll be Y/n and Toge's support" Gojo said looking at him. "Huh? You want me to support them?" Yuta asked as Gojo responded "Well you'll be more of an observer."

"There's a wide variety of jujutsu so you can assume there are various ways of exorcising a curse. As those sorcerers, Inumaki's a good example of one of those ways of exorcising curses so you'll learn from him and me" I said patting Yuta's back with a smile as Inumaki thought 'I don't like that she's patting his back... she should be patting mine! I know this is bad to think but I can't help it...' "Curse speech as its term suggests it's imbued with curses. It will make more sense once you see it in action to break a curse. You'll first need to understand curses" Gojo said smiling.

"Salmon" Inumaki said scaring Yuta making me laugh a bit. "Oh! You startled me a bit sorry" Yuta said making me slightly gushed over Yuta and think 'Wow! He's so truthful! It's kinda funny how he got scared but he's so adorable I want to squeeze his cheeks together and kiss his forehead- Wait! Y/n what are you thinking!?' "Oh Yuta one more thing before you go" Gojo said as Yuta turned around and went to him.

"Sorry, I don't have time to supervise this mission but typically this is a mission Y/n and Toge can handle on their own. So you can relax and also don't let Rika out who knows what will happen if she doesn't go back like she did last time. So only use a portion of her power that you can imbue in your sword" Gojo told Yuta as he nodded his head.

"Sensei don't forget about the other thing" I said as Gojo looked at me and smiled while saying "Thanks for reminding me. What will most likely happen if you let her punish you, me, and Y/n! So don't let her out. We're counting on you Yuta!" Gojo said while moving his hand across his neck. 'Sensei what type of encouraging stuff what that!?' I thought while looking a bit shocked at Gojo.

Fun fact: Y/n likes people who are truthful and caring towards others.

1366 words

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