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Jujutsu Kaisen 0 spoilers

We were walking to the training ground but me and Yuta stopped and looked at the sky. "What's wrong Y/n and Yuta?" Maki asked us while she looked at us confused. "Well I think I just had a bad premonition" Yuta said as Maki, Panda, and Inumaki said "You guys are imagining things."

I frowned my eyebrows knowing something was wrong and heard a voice I hadn't heard in a long time 'You're right to have a bad feeling Y/n. But you know you can't stop us from communicating with you. Will see you soon darling~'. I shook my head and bit my lip thinking 'Why now out of all time? Why?'

"Huh? That's unusual" Maki said looking at the sky with the rest of us as Panda said "I guess you two were right after all." I looked at the sky and saw a giant bird thing. "Sorry bird brain but you're in the wrong nest" Maki said as we all got ready to fight beside Yuta. "I haven't seen a curse like that before" Panda said as I put my arm in front of Yuta confusing him.

"This place never really does change" a man with long black hair said while I thought 'I'm guessing that's Suguru Geto man he looks kinda fine... Y/n stop!' "Eww Mr. Geto please don't tell me this what Tokyo actually looks like where out of the sticks" a girl with light brown hair says as the other girl with black says "Nanako that's rude."

"What you know it's true Mimiko" Nanako said as a man with blond hair said "Come on get out of there already." "Aren't you cold without a shirt on?" Nanako said as Mimiko asked "Hey who are those guys?" Nanako started gushing and taling pictures "Wow! It's a Panda how cute!" 'Why doesn't the guy have a shirt on?' I thought making a disgusted face.

"How the hell are you guys supposed to be!?" I asked annoyed as Panda said "Get off the school grounds before Yuta and Y/n make you!" Yuta looked at Panda confused as Maki said "Better go home before you get beat up by Yuta and Y/n I mean." I saw Inumaki and Panda nod their heads as Yuta was still confused as I flicked my tongue and started summoning my weapon.

Before I could do anything Geto grabbed both me and Yuta's hands with in his. 'He's so fast!' I thought as he said "Hello Yuta Okkotsu and Y/n Itadori. My name is Suguru Geto." "Uh hi? It's nice to meet you" Yuta said as I thought 'Yuta you sweet innocent bean! Don't be so polite!' "I see you're both in possession of a truly wonderful power and I believe that such great power ought to be used to create great opportunities" Geto says.

"Have you ever questioned the curtain state of the world where jujutsu sorcerers act in secret to protect the order of commonplace society?" Geto asked as I glared at him and thought 'Man this guy loves hearing his voice huh? Tch, I hate men like this. If I could and if I was allowed to he'll be dead by now.' He finally let go of our hands and said as he walked behind us "You see my friends there's this established paradox that mistakenly says the strong must accommodate the weak. It's so deplorable!"

'Gesh I think that he's more dramatic than Gojo-sensei and that's a first because Gojo is the king of dramaticness' I thought as he placed his arms around our shoulders. "It's as if the APEX of all creation decided to halt its path of evolution it's nonsense! And it's time for mankind to reconsider its strategy for survival which is exactly why we would like you two to help us!" Geto said as Yuta asked "Help you with what?"

"I'm glad you asked! To kill all non-sorcerers and create a new world with just jujutsu sorcerers!" Geto said as we were all in shock. 'He- he can't be serious!? Right!?! Killing all non-sorcerers is basically killing everyone!' "Can you do me a favor? Can you stop preaching your crazy beliefs to my students" Gojo asked looking at Geto and thinking 'after all this time here you are... and you placing your hands on my favorite student? No, I won't let you live like I did all those years ago Suguru.'

"Satoru long time no see!" Geto said smiling. "Step away from these kids right now Suguru" Gojo demanded as Masamichi started cracking his knuckles. "I heard this first year's class was simply outstanding seems it's true! You still have an eye for talent. A special-grade cursed human, a semi-first grade girl, a curse corpse mutation, a curse speech user, and lastly the Zenin clan's biggest failure" Geto said as Maki got mad and pointed her weapon at him while saying "Tch! You piece of shit!"

"You better watch that mouth of yours because I don't need any monkeys like you in the world I'm creating" Geto said as I moved his arm off my shoulders along with Yuta. That shocked Geto a bit and I summoned my spear. "I'm sorry I don't understand what you're saying but I'm not going to let you insult my friends so count me and Y/n out" Yuta said looking at Geto.

Geto sighed and said "My apologies I didn't come here to insult you or your friends!" As Gojo stepped in between Yuta and Geto making me go over to Yuta and pull him closer to me. "That's good to know so why did you come here? Suguru" Gojo asked as Geto responded with a cocky smile "To declare war. I wanted everyone to be gathered here today so that I could tell you all. So listen very closely, December 24th when the sun sets we shall begin the night parade of 1 hundred demons."

'Is he insanity!? Even if he manages to do that I will kill him with my bare hands- what are you thinking Y/n!' I thought while felling my hands clench aroun my spear as Geto continued "At the crucible of curses Shinjuku Tokyo as well as the holy land of Tokyo Kyoto 1,000 curses will be released upon those areas all with the command massacre. If you wish to avoid a scene straight from hell I suggest you do your best to stop it. Let us freely curse each other to death!" Geto said as Nanako yelled "Ah! Mr. Geto the cafe is going to close soon!"

"Oh is it that late already? You know how it is, don't you? These girls just have to get their favorite crepes from Takeshta Street" Geto said smiling at Gojo. "I'll be taking my leave now. Nanako I don't see what's so good about a place with so many monkeys" Geto said walking towards them as Gojo said "You didn't think we would just let you leave right." Geto stopped and said summing curses "Careful Satoru. Your precious students are well within my range."

"Curse technique: Execution" I said killing all of the curses making Geto turn around and look at me. "Hmm! Well goodbye everybody I'll see you in the war" Geto said as the bird started to fly away. I took a step forward but Gojo quickly put his hand on my shoulder and shook his head. "Go take a lap Y/n you're not thinking straight" Gojo said as I nodded my head and walked away from them.

As I walked I thought 'Damn it... now that they are back I'm starting to lose my cool. Good thing Gojo noticed it if not I would have probably killed everyone there.' I shook my head as my phone rang. I looked at it and saw that it was Yuji. I quickly answered it and said "Hey Yu! What's up?"

Fun fact: After Y/n hears those voices she gets easily irritated and starts to get violent. Mei Mei, Nanami, Shoko, Masamichi, and Gojo will notice and tell her to take a lap to calm down.

1369 words

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