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Jujutsu Kaisen 0 spoilers

"We've arrived" Kiyotaka said as we all got out of the car. I put my hand over my eyes since they started to hurt. "So Ijichi-san what's up with the place" I asked looking at him and closing one of my eyes. "Happiness shopping district at the moment most of the shops are closed to the public" Kiyotaka said as Inumaki tapped my shoulder and told me he was going to buy some throat medicine which I nodded my head to.

"There's a project to demolish it and reconstruct it into a new mall. During our inspection, we confirmed its low-level pack of curses we're hiding along the corridors. In order, to exercise them we requested Y/n Itadori and Toge In- wait where did Toge go?" Ijichi asked looking around. "Huh? He was just here" Yuta said as I looked at Inumaki walking out of the shop. "Mister Ijichi! He's over there. He was shopping? What did you buy?" Yuta asked Inumaki as he showed him the medicine.

"He went to buy some throat medicine" I said as Yuta nodded his head and Kiyotaka continued "In short they want us to exorcise the curses before the project they are spending so much money on develops a reputation with curse energy." I nodded my head as I walked away. "I'll draw the veil now good luck" Kiyotaka said as the veil made him disappear.

"Hmmm! Okay let's get this show on the roll" I said stretching and grabbing my blade from the ground. "He said it was a pack of low-leveled curses" Yuta said as Inumaki said "Polycro." We walked a bit farther in. "It's not fair mama brother got more than I did" a curse said as Yuta stared at it and I smacked it away from him as they began to horde together. "Weak or not there's too many of them" Yuta said looking at them as I whistled.

Inumaki stepped closer to the horde after he gave me the bag of medicine and I took it out because he would need it. "Explode" Inumaki said making the curses explode and he walked back to us. "Oh wow, so that's curse speech! Huh? It's done already?" Yuta asked as Inumaki said very groggy "Tuna mayo." "Here Inu open up" I said holding the medicine to his mouth as he took it while blushing a bit. "Hmm since we're done here we should head back" I said as Yuta said "Huh? But you didn't do anything..." I laughed and said making Inumaki nod his head in agreement "I know but that's what they do a lot of the time right Inu?"

'Wow, they have a good friendship with each other... Y/n understands him even if he talks a bit. To be honest I'm quite jealous of Inumaki' Yuta thought while looking at me and Inumaki. "Hmm? The veil hasn't lifted? It won't let us out... how strange" I said touching the veil and thinking 'There's no way Ijichi-san knows about this... someone must have put up a second veil to trap us in here but who? No matter I'll have to try and lift it.'

We sensed a pretty powerful curse behind and I quickly turned around. "Zumba" The curse said as I pushed Inumaki and Yuta out of the way making my hands twist a bit. "Twist!" Inumaki said as the fingers of the curse twisted. I quickly grabbed Inumaki and Yuta and ran to a higher building as Inumaki coughed. I panted after placing Yuta and Inumaki down. "Ah! Y/n you're hand!" Yuta said staring at my hand and I said as I snapped my hand back in place "I'll be fine don't worry."

I started walking away as Yuta asked "Hey wait where are you going?" I turned to him and said "I'm going to fight that curse. Inumkai you need that medicine and I made you drop it, Yuta like sensei said 'You're an observer' you're not fighting. As a semi-first grade, I'll take this mission." Yuta was about to object but I quickly ran towards the curse.

"I engulf this blade with blue fire" I said as my blade was in blue flames and I quickly used it to cut the curse's arm off but it quickly dogged. 'Damn it this curse is strong. It reminds me of a shikigami... but those things hunt curses, not humans' I thought as I quickly dogged its attack. I looked at my blade and noticed it was snapped in half. "Damn, you broke my fucking blade? Deadly Scythe" I said annoyed as I summoned my scythe.

I grasped my scythe as Yuta threw the medicine to Inumaki. I sliced the curse's other arm off and yelled "Inumaki! It's you're turn!" "Get crossed!" Inumaki said killing the curse. I sighed as I let my scythe disappear and grabbed the broken parts of my blade. "Y/n? Why are you collecting the blade parts?" Yuta asked as I responded."Hmm? Oh so that I can fix it. I don't like wasting materials, especially ones that I can reuse."

He nodded understanding what I was saying. "Oh Yuta here let me heal you" I said touching his forehead and healing him. "Huh? Oh, thanks Y/n!" Yuta said smiling as he high-fived me and Inumaki. "We still can't get out can we?" Yuta said looking at the veil as I heard someone say from pretty far away "What a shame I came all this way to see the rumored curse named Rika. A special grade, I was hoping to meet her soon. I perhaps I should go return this to him. And won't you look at that? That Semi-first grade who deserves to be a special grade... for someone like her she should be a special grade."

I frowned my eyebrows and shook my head thinking I was just probably hearing things.


Somewhere else

"Ever since Toge was born he had been able to use curse speech. You can imagine how he struggled quite a bit with his new curse power. Sometimes he accidentally cursed people he didn't mean to. His situation is pretty similar to yours so that's why he's always been worried about you ever since you first came here" Panda said to Yuta. "It's pretty easy to misunderstand him but he's a good guy" Panda said. "So please be kind to him like he is to you Yuta" Panda said as Yuta nodded his head.

With Y/n

"Sorry to bother you two. After further inspection showed that someone lowered a second veil on top of my own. We don't know how yet but we're analyzing the residual curse energy. In addition, a semi-first grade curse made an unexpected appearance. It's my fault for not being as thorough as I should have been. I'll take any form of punishment" Ijichi said bowing. "Ijichi-san you're fine... you were just outclassed" I said as he looked up and asked "Outclassed by who? Do you have an idea of who did it?"

"Suguru Geto. A special grade sorcerer one of four who was banished from Jujutsu High. He cursed more than 100 normal people to death. The worst curse user" Gojo said as Ijichi looked shocked and bowed before leaving. "It sounds like you know him personally Sensei" I said looking at him as he said "He used to be my best friend we were the strongest together." I nodded my head and didn't ask any more questions.

Fun fact: Y/n has killed a curse user because they were interfering with her mission. The higher-ups did not reprimand her since the curse user was pretty dangerous.

1296 words

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