002~ New Work Mate

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002~ New work Mate

I woke up to my cat meowing at my door. I stood up and opened my door and got it some food. I just then realized my shift was nights so I went back to bed.


I woke back up around 11pm because I had to be there at 11:30pm. I went to the bathroom to get ready. I put in some mascara and perfume and changed into a white shirt and black converse.

I fed my cat again and grabbed my keys and went to my car. After I got to my car I put the keys in and drove away.

After I got there I saw it was abandon. I found a way inside and walked through the building. I thought no one was there till I saw a light in a room. I peaked open the door to see a man sitting there with headphones on and his head falling in the table.

I saw my clothes right next to him. I quietly walked over to my clothes till I dropped something on the floor. The man jumped awake and turned around to see me.

"Um hi I'm new and my name is Kendra Landeon." I said really fast.

"Oh hi I'm Mike Schmidt. So you're the new night worker?" He asked.

"Yeah I desperately needed a job." I laughed. I sat down next to him and watched the cams. Nothing was in them so I thought it was boring and I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.


I woke up to Mike getting up and packing his things.

"Is it morning?" I asked sleepily. "Yep." He said as he walked through the door. I grabbed my things and ran up to him. "Mike!" I yelled before he went out the door.

"Yeah?" He asked looking back at me. "Here's my number in case you need anything." I smiled.

"Thanks he smiled and put the note in his pocket. "You're welcome." I said still smiling.

(Damn I'm so exited for this book! Eel anyways yeah I'm tired so bye.)

𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐈𝐍 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐄𝐏¹ --------------mike schmidt Where stories live. Discover now