008~ Confessions

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Five nights at Freddy's
008~ Confessions

I walked up to the door and hesitated for a second. "What if I regret this.." I sighed. I had to go to work in 40 minutes and thank god I was ready.

I knocked on the door and Mike opened it. "Hey Kendra." He said as he moved away from the door so I could walk in. "Hey I have to tell you something." I say looking at him.

"Yeah what's up?" He asked sitting down on the couch. I sat next to him and looked him in the eye. "So basically what Abby told you about me liking you is true." I sighed still looking him in the eye. "Oh alright." He smiled at me and hugged me until Abby ran out. "KENDRA!" She yelled and hugged me tight. "Hi abs!" I smiled back.

She sat on the floor and watched the cartoons and Mike stood up to get ready for work. I watched him grab a hoodie and spray cologne on it and then he grabbed his keys and called Max to come babysit for her while we went to work. Stacy would have but she has a meeting tonight.


Me and Mike drove separately and to be honest I felt relieved for telling him that I liked him but at the same time I felt embarrassed.

We walked into Freddy's and walked into the Employees only room and went to the security room. We both sat down and I grabbed out a pack of fruit gummies and gave one to Mike.

"Thanks." He smiled and ate it. "No problem." I smiled back at him and looked at the cameras and when I turned around five minutes later he was passed out with headphones on.


It was time to leave and Mike was packing his stuff. "See ya." He said as he walked out the door. I finished packing my stuff and walked to my car and turned it on and sat down. "Shit why the hell do I like him so much." I sighed and drove off.

When I got home I set my keys down and made me breakfast and ate it then passed out in the couch.


I sprung up to my phone ringing and I picked it up. "Hello?" I asked. "Hey Kendra come over here Vanessa said she coming to my house to talk to us." He sounded worried so I said ok and drove over to his house.


"Someone broke into Freddy's." Vanessa said as me and Mike looked at each other. "Wait really?" I asked. "Yeah maybe if you guys weren't so tired you wouldn't forget to lock all the friggin doors!" She snapped as she pulled out with her car and drove off.

𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐈𝐍 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐄𝐏¹ --------------mike schmidt Where stories live. Discover now