004~ Relization

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Five Nights at Freddy's
004~ Realization

I woke up from sleeping and saw it was 11:20pm. "Shit!" I yelled and grabbed my outfit and quickly put it on. I put mascara in and perfume, threw on my shoes and ran out the door.


I got there at 11:35 and ran in. As I ran in I saw a lot of lights on. I continued running till I saw the security room. I walked in and saw Mike looking at the cams.

"Hey!" I smiled at him "hey." He smiled back and continued looking at the cams. I studied his side profile. "Shit he's kinda hot." I thought.
"Wait hell no I can't like him." I thought again but the more I looked at him the more I wished he was mine.

Just then he turned to me and saw I was looking at his face. My face turned bright red from embarrassment. "Um ok but anyways I'm gonna take a nap so if you need anything let me know alright?" He asked. "Yeah of course!" I smiled at him as he took a pill and put in headphones and fell asleep.

"Why did he take a pill?" I wondered. I grabbed the bottle and read sleeping pill. "Hmm must need help sleeping." I thought. I watched the cams as well.

A little while after I heard Mike breathing heavily and shaking. I  turned to look at him.

"Mike are you alright?" I asked just as he sprung awake. "Um yeah sorry for scaring you." He sighed. "Yeah it's alright I'm gonna use the bathroom." I said. "Alright." He said as I stood up and walked to the bathroom.

"Shit he fucking scared me but his heavy breathing is fucking hot." I thought. "Damnit im falling for him what the hell do I do about it?" I wondered.

I stepped out of the bathroom and walked back into the security room and sat back down.

"Hey." I smiled at him. "Hi?" He laughed. "Are you sure you're ok because that dream you had fucking scared the living shit out of me." I said concerned and Mike could tell.

"No it's just extremely personal and I don't tell many people." He said "oh ok well if you need anything I'm always here." I smiled. "Thanks". He smiled back. I turned to look at the screen and I could feel his eyes on me.

"Why are you looking at me?" I laughed. "How did you know?" He laughed back. "I can see everything." I laughed. He looked at me again and then he turned to the screen again.


It was now morning and it was time for us to go.

"Bye Mike!" I yelled. "Bye Kendra!" He yelled back as I got into my car and drove off.

(Damn this story is addicting lmao)

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