005~ "Why Nebraska?"

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Five Nights at Freddy's
005~ "why Nebraska?"

I pulled up to Freddy Fazbears and walked into the office. I saw Mike lying there asleep. I carefully sat next to him and looked at the cameras. I was wide awake because it was thundering out. I grabbed my phone just as a song started blasting in the pizzeria.

Mike jumped awake and I covered my ears. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!" I yelled. Mike stood up and ran to the main area and pulled the switch and the music shut off.

"Holy shit that scared me." I laughed. "Yeah me too." He agreed as he sat back down. We both sat there until we saw a officer standing outside the pizzeria. We both walked out and opened the door.

"Hello Sheriff." Mike said to the women.  "Oh please my name is Vanessa." She said as she took off her hood and walked inside.

"So how you guys coming along here?" She asked. "Pretty good." I chimed in. "By the way I'm Mike and that's Kendra. Mike said. "Ok also your bleeding. Looks pretty nasty." She sighed. I looked at Mike and saw his arm.

"Lucky for you I know where the first aid kit is." She said as she walked to the first aid kid and handed me the gauze.

I started wrapping his arm and he looked at my hands. He smiled at me and I smiled back at him.

"Oh by the way nice decorations in here but why Nebraska?" She asked. Mike just ignored her.


After Vanessa Left me and Mike packed our things to leave too. "Hey Kendra could you come over to help with Abby?" He asked. "Yeah of course!" I smiled and got in my car and followed him to his house.

When we got there Abby just had woke up and was coloring on the couch. She jumped up and ran to see us. "Mike and Kendra!!" She yelled as she hugged Mike and then me. "Hey abs!" I smiled.

"Can you paint my nails?" She asked as she grabbed my hand and took me to her room. I sat down and she grabbed pink and handed it to me.

I shook the nail polish up and started painting her nails. "Do you like Mike?" She asked. "Wha-what makes you think that?" I ask looking at her. "I don't know you guys hang out a lot and I think he likes you. I mean I could ask him!" She smiled standing up  and skipping to Mikes room.

I giggled and sat there. "Do I like Mike or is he just a close friend?" I thought about that question long and hard until Abby walked back in.

"So?" I asked. "He just told me to go away!" She laughed. "Oh alright." I laughed as in finished painting her nails and I was blowing on them to let them dry.

I stood up and walked out of Abby's room and walked into Mikes room. "Hey Mike I'm going home." I said. "Alright see you later." He said as he waved.


After I got home I slammed my keys on my counter and walked into my room still thinking about what Abby asked me. "Do I like Mike?" I asked myself out load. I thought about him and his face and the way I looked at him. I started blushing so I took that as a sign.

I like Mike Schmidt.

I stood up from taking a nap and started getting ready for work. I showered, put a little bit of makeup on, perfume and my vest.

I walked out the door and drove to Fazbears and I was surprisingly the only one there so far.  Just then I got a call from Mike.

"Hey!" I said with happiness in my voice. "Hey I'm not coming tonight." He sighed. "Oh why?" I asked. "No reason just calm me if you need anything alright?" He asked. "Yep!" I smiled and waited for him to hang up.

I sat in the chair he normally sat in and looked at the cams. I was surprised he did not come to work and a but scared. I thought about calling him and telling him I was scared by I didn't bother him. Instead I just slept till it was time to go.


My phone started ringing and I picked it up.

"Hello?" I asked confused. "Hey it's Abby!" I heard her yell. "Oh hey!" I smiled though the phone. "What's up?" I asked her. "I was wondering if you wanted to watch a movie with me, Mike and Stacy?" She asked. "Who is Stacy?" I asked. "Not sure. Mike did not go to work with you because he went out to eat with her."  "Oh." I sighed and didn't wanna make Abs feel bad so I said yeah.

"Yay come over in 15 minutes?" She asked. "Yeah sure!" I lightly smiled through the phone. "Alright see you then!" She yelled and hung up.

I sat on my bed confused. Did Mike have a girlfriend? I brushed the thought off and got ready.

I put on a pair of ripped jeans and a baggy sweatshirt which so happened to be Mike's that he left here but I wore it anyways.


I knocked on the door and Mike opened it.

"Oh hey Kendra." He smiled and walked to the couch to sit with who I was guessing was Stacy. She had long hazel curly hair and big green eyes.

I shut the door and walked to Abby's room because I did not wanna see Mike loving on her. That's just proves I do like him.

I walked into Abby's room and she looked up at me. "Kendra!" She smiled as she grabbed my hand and took me to the living room so I had to face Stacy and Mike.

"Ready?" He asked as he grabbed a jacket and wrapped it around Stacy.

"I'll take my own car." I sighed because I did not wanna be in the same car as them.

"I wanna go with Kendra!" Abby yelled and held on my arm. "Aww please come with us!" Stacy smiled. "No." She frowned and jumped into the back seat of my car.

(Jesus I love this story lmao but anyways thank you all for reading😭)

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