010~ Complications

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Five Nights at Freddy's
010~ Complications

After we finished cleaning we walked back into the office. We saw Abby quietly sleeping there and I smiled at Mike and he smiled back.

After that he put on his headphones and fell asleep. I looked around not knowing what to do so I also decided to take a nap.


We shot awake and heard a scream. Mike looked in Abbys tent and she was gone. We heard another scream and ran out to the maib area where we heard the scream.

We saw Abby laughing till she saw us. The bear started walking towards us and Mike grabbed a chair and held it up to it.

"Mike it's ok! They are my friends!" Abby smiled. "This is Freddy, Bonnie, Chica and Foxy." She said as she pointing to each one. "And guys this is my brother Mike and our friend Kendra." She smiled. Freddy lowered his eyebrows.

"Alright Abby it's time to go." He said looking at Chica. "Hold on! They love drawings!" She smiled as she drew a red heart and handed it to Bonnie. Bonnie put it to his heart and looked at Abby. "Ok Abby it's actually time to go." Mike said as he held out for Abby's hand.

She hugged Freddy and then took mikes hand. "Bye guys!" She smiled as we all walked out the door.


We got to Mikes house and Abby and I sat on the couch and I braided her hair. I also was watching the cartoons.

Just then Mike made food and set it on the table. "Time to eat." He called out and I just had finished tying her braid.

We walked up to the table and ate the chicken that was made.


After we all ate I gave Abby a hug and said bye to Mike. I opened the door and walked to my car. Little did I know what was about to happen in less than an hour....

Omfg thank you all soooooo much for 1.16k reads!!! It means a lot! Even though it's not rlly a lot it's the most reads I have! Also sorry for not posting for a hot while! I plan on posting more very soon! And yes. It will get spicy VERY soon! But anyways thanks again for all the reads!

𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐈𝐍 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐄𝐏¹ --------------mike schmidt Where stories live. Discover now