Prince!China x Commoner!Reader [Fluff & Feels]

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Title: Tsumugi Uta

The following contains fluff and feels. Read at your own risk.


Their eyes widened.

"He's dead!?" Alfred said.

"Why?" Francis exclaimed. Kiku shook is head.

"I do not know, gomen'nasai....." Arthur frowned.

"Who'll be the next emperor then?"

"I don't know, prease don't ask me questions..." Ivan looked at Kiku.

"How did he die then?"


Yao walked along the streets. He had just ran away from his annoying bodyguards. All the stalls filled with goods to sell, they failed to interest him. But one particular stall interested him. It sold small pieces of cloth. But the cloth, they had beautiful designs. Even more captivating was the stall owner.

Beautiful flowing [H/C] hair......shining [E/C] orbs...cliche? Not to Yao. It wasn't everyday he saw someone so....gorgeous. If his friend Francis were there, he'd laugh his strange laugh and say that it was "love at first sight".

And indeed, it was. He just couldn't forget your face. It caused him to be restless, with only one thought in his mind.

I have to see her.


Was it coincidence for the Chinese man to see you again? And at the edge of a lake? This time, however, he mustered all the courage he had and walked up to you.

"你好," he said.
(Chinese: Ni hao = Hello)

You looked and smiled.

"Hello!" Yao blushed. Your smile, it was probably the most beautiful one Yao has ever seen.

"I'm Yao Wang, and you, aru?"

"I'm [Y/N] [L/N]. Nice to meet you!" Yao smiled.

"Can I sit here?"

"Sure." The both of you talked until the sun began setting. You looked up and clapped your hands together.

"Oh!!!" You exclaimed. Yao raised an eyebrow.

"Hm?" You smiled at him brightly.

"Me and my mom would always sing after dark as a way to say good night to nature. It's a tradition!!" You said happily. Yao nodded.

"Cool! What are you gonna sing?" You thought for a sec.

"Hm........ah ha! I got it!" Yao looked at you in confusion.

"My mom taught me a song before she passed away. It's called Tsumugi Uta!! At least, in Japanese. She never told me what it's called in Chinese though....." You sighed. "But! I'm still gonna sing it!!"

Yao nodded. From his pocket, he pulled out a flute.

"So how does the melody go?" You started humming the song. Yao nodded.

"Ok, aru." You smiled happily and started singing along with Yao playing his flute. Before you could finish, however, two men appeared.

"王子!!" They yelled.
(Chinese: Wang Zi = Prince)

"It's time to go back to the castle," they said. Yao pouted.

"But it's boring there aru!!"

"Your father requests your presence, prince." Yao sighed and got up. He looked at you and smiled.

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