Canada x Nyo!Romania [Fluff]

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A/N: Requested by a friend ^^

Nyo!Romania has no official name so I am using the name Viorel Lupei.

I also tried my best for her personality. ^^"


Viorel had a crush on Matthew. She didn't know what....but something about that Canadian just.......lured her in.

Was it his blood? His looks? His personality? Vi didn't know. All she knew was that she was jealous of the women that could hang around with him.

She was constantly friend-zoned by this Canadian. All Vi wanted to do is burst out and tell him, but wouldn't that be a bit weird? But Viorel couldn't take any more of this treatment. She wanted Matthew to love her. No, she NEEDED Matthew to love her. And so, she asked him.

"Hey Mattie!!" She said. The Canadian turned and looked at her, smiling.

"Bonjour Viorel!" He said softly. Vi nearly fangirled at his cuteness.
(French: Hello)

"Do you have time? Like, I dunno....on Sunday? I know a really nice amusement park we can go to! You know like....the two of us maybe?" Matthew thought for a moment.

"Sure! Where should we meet up?" Vi didn't think that far yet. She didn't think Matthew would say yes.

" about at this exact same spot?" He nodded.

"Okay!" Just then, the bell rung.

"Well, I'll see you then," he said. Vi nodded, blushing.



Matthew sighed. French class was so boring. The only reason he took this class is because he didn't want to work so hard. It was stressful enough knowing he wasn't noticed as much as others.

"Psst," someone whispered. Matthew looked at the ravenette.

"Hm?" The girl sighed.

"I heard you're going on a date with Viorel," she said. Matthew blushed.

"E-eh!?!? Yume, w-who told you that!?!?" He whispered. The ravenette giggled.

"Sources." A loud cough rang through the room.

"Ms. Amaterasu?" Yume tensed up.

"Y-yes.....?" The teacher glared at her.

"Please stay silent in class. Next time, you're getting a detention."



Time went by quick and all of a sudden, it was Sunday. Matthew stood at the exact same spot Viorel asked him to.

"Mattie!!!" Vi shouted, running up to him. Matthew looked and smiled.

"Hey." Vi ran up to him and practically jumped on him, pulling him into an embrace. She immediately pulled back and blushed.

"I'm sorry!!" She said. Matthew's face was quite red, and he shook his head.

"Oh!! I-it's fine!!" They talked for a while as they walked towards the amusement park.


Finally arriving, they bought tickets and entered. The two were met with many bright lights and rides.

"Hm...where should we go next?" Matt said nothing but instead, he dragged the Romanian to the first roller coaster he saw. Though he was shy, Alfred absolutely LOVED roller coasters. Alfred would constantly drag Mattie along with him, thus making the Canadian immune to roller coasters and its effects.


"Hm?" Viorel laughed nervously.

"Are you sure it's- SAFE!!!!!!!!!!" The roller coaster dropped the two of them down at high speed, forcing a scream out of the young lady.



Finally, the ride ended. Matthew was perfectly fine, as if nothing happened. Viorel? Uh.....not so good.....

"God dammit Mattie....." she growled. She was still as pale as a ghost. Matthew looked at her.

"Hm? What's wrong maple?" Vi blushed. It was the first time Matthew ever called her a cute nickname.



"You getting this?" The girl nodded.

"Yep. Dude, your bro really likes roller coasters," she said.

"It's cuz I constantly drag him onto ones with me." Yume nodded.

"Makes sense."

The two of them sat down to eat. Due to them having no pancakes (sadly), Matt settled for some burgers while Viorel simply had a salad. After eating, they proceeded to go on more rides.

They rode even the craziest rides like the Crypt and the Dropper. They won the hardest games and ate many things there: Ice cream, popcorn, candy, burgers, fries, etc.

It was probably one of the best days the two ever had. Alas, the park was closing.



"Can we go to the Ferris Wheel?" Vi suggested. Matt smiled.



Finally, the Ferris Wheel reached the top. It stopped for a while at the top. Fireworks lit up the sky, coloring the atmosphere with an intimate feel.

"Uh....maple?" Vi looked at him.

"Hm?" Matthew blushed. How could he tell her?

"Well, merci...for taking me here. I r-really had fun!! So...I, um, just say" Mattie took a deep breath before looking at Viorel.
(French: Merci = Thank you)

"J-Je t'aime."
(French: Je t'aime = I love you)

Viorel's eyes widened. Did he seriously just say that?

"Y-you do?" Matthew nodded and blushed.

"O-oui..." Viorel hugged him.

"Si eu te iubesc," she said.
(Romanian: I love you too)


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I like turtles
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*gets run over by a train*

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