Prussia x Reader [Lemon]

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This is to 2 people:

- marinawi | She LOVES Prussia and she'd probably glomp me later for writing this

- Catbug_and_Puppycat | This girl is way too innocent....but she's still an amazing friend. Stormy, I present to you a lemon.

Lemon means very kinky things, WAY kinkier than a mere pathetic lime *^*


"If I win zhis game, I'll be able to do vhatever I vant to jou, ja?" You nodded.

"Ja. However, if I win, then you will have to hand over Gilbird and not drink beer for ONE MONTH." Gilbert nodded.



"How did you-?" Gilbert simply smirked when [Y/N] had lost at a simple game of chess.

"Vhat did I tell jou Frau? I'm too awesome to lose!!" You simply turned red in anger before tackling him. He was much stronger though, and he wasted no time in flipping you under him.

"Kesesesese~" He laughed. You blushed.

"Gilbert Beilschmidt, what are you doing!?!?" He laughed again.

"I von zhe game!! Und so I get to do vhatever I vant vizh jou, ja?" You gulped.

"F-fine!!!" Gilbert smirked and begun by kissing you on the lips. He licked your bottom lip, and you gladly opened up for him. He pulled away and looked you in the eye.

"Ich liebe dich," he said before kissing your neck. You moaned when he reached your sweet spot.

"I-Ich liebe dich a-auch..." you replied. He smiled a genuin smile, one filled with love and kissed you. You kissed back and then pulled away for air. Gilbert began taking off your tank top and bra, throwing them to an unknown part of the room.

"G-Gil!!!" You said, covering yourself up. Gilbert laughed and pried your arms away from your body. His hand went up to your right breast, kneading it and playing with your nipple. You moaned, giving him a bit more confidence in his ability to pleasure you.

He bent down and started lapping, sucking, and licking at the bud, making you nearly scream out in pleasure. Your nether regions were pulsing; you needed to be touched there.

"Gil~" You moaned. "Please...touch me there~"

"Kesesesese~" Gilbert laughed.

"Vhere, here?" He said, petting your wet womanhood. You nodded slowly. He laughed and took off your shorts, and started rubbing your pearl through your panties. You moaned. You needed needed to be relieved of that needed him to touch you.

"Gil...please~" Gilbert simply chuckled and took off your panties. He slipped a finger inside your core and started thrusting slowly. You moaned.

"More~" He obeyed and slipped another finger in. He thrusted after and deeper as he added more fingers, pleasuring you greatly. You closed your eyes in complete ecstasy as you came on his fingers.

"Mm..." He said, licking them clean. He smirked and looked at you with list filled eyes. "Jou taste gut~"

You blushed. Hard. But something snapped within you and you flipped him over so that you were on top. You slowly took off his shirt, teasing him by kissing his neck ever so gently. He groaned.

"Dammit [Y/N]...." You ignored him and continued down, kissing his well built chest, playing with his buds as well. Eventually, you grew bored and traveled down to his tent.

You smirked, and pulled down his pants. You hooked your fingers onto the elastic of the boxers and slowly pulled it down.

Gilbert gasped as the cool room air hit his member. You looked at him. He nodded. Being the tease you were, you simply picked at the tip. He groaned.

"Scheiße [Y/N]," he said. "More~"

You obeyed and started pumping his member slowly. He clenched his eyes shut. He glared at you. You sighed.

"Alright...." You said. You kissed the tip gently before taking it into your mouth. He gasped and moaned. You smirked and took half of his member into your mouth, making him scream in pleasure.

He couldn't take it anymore. He needed it. He pushed your head down, forcing you to take all of his member into your mouth. You gagged slightly, but began bobbing your head up and down, pleasing him greatly.

"[Y/N]~ I'm going to come~!!" He said. You pulled away before he could, however. Gilbert pouted.

"Vhat zhe fick [Y/N]!?!?" You said nothing. You kissed him roughly and then whispered in his ear seducatively.

"I'm ready~" He smirked. Flipping you over, he straddled you. He rolled his hips against yours, his tip digging into you. You moaned. He slowly slid his member inside of you.

It wasn't your first time, however. Gilbert had always taken advantage of you whenever you were vulnerable. But you never regretted it!

"Ah....Gil~" You moaned. "Start moving~"

Gilbert started thrusting slowly before stopping.

"Do jou vant it rough or slow?" You looked at him with lust.

"Rough." He wasted no time in thrusting hard and fast into you. You screamed out in pleasure. His member massaged your walls, and he tried to find that special spot within you. You gasped.

"Shit!!! Gilbert!!!" You screamed. He knew he had found it. He aimed for that same spot, hitting it over and over again. You panted.

"I'm gonna come~!!" You moaned. He nodded.

"Me....too...." He kissed you roughly as the both of you spilled your juices. The both of you panted and moaned as Gilbert pulled out of you. He smirked.

"Had fun?" He asked. You blushed.

"Sh-shut up..."


I think I did better this time. ^^


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[Hetalia] Book of One Shots, Lemons, LimesWhere stories live. Discover now