ItaReve [Fluff]

341 5 1

I forgot who this was for. ._.

This one shot might contain some triggers due to its dark theme.


"Doitsu!! Why!?!?" Feliciano whined. Ludwig shook his head.

"I'm tired of zhis, jou're practically useless on zhe battlefield!!! Jou do nozhing but run avay, und in battle, it is crucial jou stay on task. Unless jou vish to die. I am just tired of it Italy!" Germany shouted. Feliciano teared up and ran. He didn't believe it, his lover hated him.

Feliciano ran towards Lovino, his older brother.

"Lovi!!! Lovi!!" Lovino turned around and glared.

"What is it now!?" Feli flinched, but he continued.

"Am I useless?" Lovino hesitated. "Speak the truth fratello."


"Why?" Feliciano was on the verge of tears, but he didn't break.

"You're always in the light!! Everyone notices and loves you! Me? I'm in the shadows. No one loves me and no one cares about me!!" Feliciano sighed. It was true, what the both of them said. He walked away.

Feliciano couldn't believe it. He was hated by the two people he cared about. He walked home to his room. Feli closed the curtains, locked the door, turned off all lights, and began closing himself off from the world.

"Reve?" The man revealed himself.


"Why am I hated?"
Because you aren't worth their time." The shadow covered the Italian's frail body, as if he was bringing Feliciano into the dark.

"Feliciano Vargas, representation of Italy Veneziano, the Northern Part of Italy, a misunderstood soul who is hated by people." Reve embraced Italy.

"It's fine child, come to the dark." He smirked devilishly.

"It'll be aright over there. There will be people who love you." Feli nodded, slowly drifting off to sleep.

"Like Grandpa Rome." His smirk grew wider as Feli drifted closer toward the gate of hell.

"Buonanotte. Sogni d'oro~"
(Italian: Good night, Sweet dreams~)


Is it bad if I enjoyed writing this one? <.<

Oh, and I'm sorry this is so late!

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