Modern!Japan x Reader [Fluff]

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Contains fluffiness.


Lately, Japan has been influenced greatly by the Western Countries. I've been wanting to get [blonde/brown] highlights, but I don't know. It's really popular.......

"[Y/N]!!!" Sakura shouted. You smiled.

A/N: Sakura Honda is Nyo!Japan in my stories.

"Hey!!" She ran up to you.

"My brother's transferring into this school," she said.

"Cool!! What's his name?"

"It's Kiku Honda. My other siblings might transfer after they come back from their tour around Japan." You nodded. Suddenly the bell rang.

"Shit! We're gonna be late for class!" You said, taking off.


You rode back home on your bike. You did this everyday rather than rely on public transportation. You sighed. Your late mother always told of ancient stories of when women and men were unequal in Japan. You wanted to do better. You wanted to give shame upon the males of Japan. That was your dream. You wanted to make your mother proud, make her smile, but that dream ended when she passed away due to leukemia.

You looked up, seeing the numerous cherry blossom trees lining your path. You smiled faintly.

Hey Mom, you thought. Do you see this?


You finally arrived home. Your dad had left your mother long ago. It's sad, really.

"I'm home," you said to no one. Walking towards the kitchen, you took off your school bag and went to make ramen. You ate it silently.

Silence. Quite common actually, in an empty house. Your house wasn't all that grand. It was actually quite old, with the paint coming off and gray atmosphere.

Sadness. Something you often felt. Something that could never disappear, no matter how hard you told it to go away.

You finished your ramen and walked upstairs, and took a shower. You hopped onto your bed and fell asleep.


"[Y/N]!!!" Sakura said, running up to you. You turned around.

"Hey Sakura!!" You said. "How are you?"

"Great!" Both of you turned around when you heard a noise.


Cheering continued. Both of you turned towards the circle and made your way through. You saw 2 people.


Alfred F. Jones. The stereotypical American. A daredevil who gets into many fights. Blonde hair with a cowlick, blue eyes, glasses, and a nice muscular body.


Ludwig Beilschmidt. The stereotypical German. Blonde hair, blue eyes, and a well built body who's always fit. Never turns down a fight in order to prove his abilities.


The two punched and kicked at each other. Neither of them have up. Neither of them backed down. Everyone watched in anticipation as Ludwig and Alfred fought. Nearly the whole school was watching. But one particular man was an oddball and say under a Sakura tree, eating some rice balls. You smiled and walked towards him.

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