Denmark x Reader [Lime]

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This is for Confederacy. I dunno if you have WattPad but yeah.

The following is a lime!! A Lime as in kinky stuff!! Though it's not as kinky as a Lemon, it's still kinky!! You have been warned!!


You sighed. It was 10:59 PM and you were tired. Matthias was probably asleep. You got up and walked towards the bathroom. Undressing, you stepped into the shower and started cleaning yourself. Suddenly, the bathroom door opened. You gasped.

"WHO GOES THERE!?!?" You screamed, throwing a bar of soap at the unlucky victim.

"OW!!" You opened your eyes to see Matthias holding an axe in his hand.

"What the hell man!?!?" Matthias blushed.

"Well, I thought you were a" He scratched his neck. "My bad..."

"Well, I'm not a burglar. SO GET THE FUCK OUT!!!" You screamed.

"Alright...alright...sheesh..." He said turning to leave. But, he didn't. Instead, he walked back towards you.

"M-Matthias?" He didn't say anything. Matthias pinned you up against the wall and stared into your eyes. You blushed. You had ever been this close to him. Matthias leaned down and gently kissed you. Your eyes widened. He...loved you?

You soon snapped out of it and began kissing him back. The two of you pulled away after a while and panted.

"Jeg elsker dig," Matthias said. You smiled.

"I love you too Matthias..." The both of you kissed once more and pulled away. Matthias observed your body, making you blush.

"Hey!! Stop staring!!" You said. He chuckled.

"I can't help're so...beautiful..." He said, licking your nipple. You moaned.

"D-don't say such things..." You said. He smirked and latched his mouth onto your bud. You moaned loudly. As if he was fueled by your moans, he moved south towards your "Netherlands".

His tongue immediately began licking your inner walls and clit, making you writhe and moan in complete ecstasy. Soon, you were about to come. However, Matthias pulled away before that could happen. You pouted.

"Sorry [Y/N]. Let's continue tomorrow morning."

"WHAT!?!?" You yelled. You pouted. "That ain't fair!!!"

"I'd love to as well," he said. "But not tonight. I don't feel like it."



I had absolutely no inspiration to continue this. Sorry.


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