Lilly's POV
The tour has been better since then.
On the last show in Europe, things got weird. At the beginning of the show Lou said, "Do you trust me, Lilly?" I said, "Always." Lou rushed me into a private dressing room where I got my hair and make up done like I was in Cinderella, and I changed into my Cinderella dress with the shoes. The guys changed the set list last minute which wasn't planned. When they come backstage they are supposed to go straight back out, but they went into their dressing room. Then, I was pushed on stage with the guys; they were in tuxes. They sang What Makes You Beautiful, Gotta Be You, Steal My Girl, Diana, Through the Dark, You & I, Night Changes, Fireproof, 18, Girl Almighty, and then Little Things. All of my top favorites from One Direction... Niall pulled me to my feet and we slow danced during Little Things, he serenaded me and got down on one knee at the end. He said, "I'm sorry I wasn't able to do this in private, but I thought this be better. Look at you, Lilly, you look like a princess... my princess. Ever since I met you, I've fallen in love with you since the first day I met you. We've been through ups and downs, we've had an amazing three years and I want to continue that... just with a bigger title. I've written so many songs about you and you've done the same for me. All of the words true. I want us to move in together, to get married, to have kids, to grow old together, to see our grandchildren. I want all those things and I hope you do to. So, will you, Lilly Diana Black, make me the luckiest man in the world and become my wife?" I was crying and nodded screaming yes! He put the ring on my finger and he said, "My princess..." I said, "My Niall..." We kissed passionately as the crowd went wild! We pulled apart and he picked me up and swung me around. I was smiling and crying. The boys and I walked hand and hand to the tallest part of the stage. After everyone backstage joined us, we took the final bow. We all got on the bus for the final time and I told the guys, "Whatever happens next, I'm glad we did this together..." They looked at me skeptical, but nodded in agreement.One Direction and I performed in the Capital Ball a few weeks later. They performed Steal My Girl, Best Song Ever, Night Changes, Girl Almighty, What Makes You Beautiful, and Story of My Life. I performed on my own, Salute, Move, Black Magic, Problem, Wings, and finally Bang Bang. It was really fun and the crowd was screaming as loud as they could. It was the best time ever!
The boys did a interview which was hilarious because they couldn't do it really quick fire style. They wiggled their bum for the camera and I did Five Questions For... The first question was describe my perfect date. I said, "Going to the bowling alley, the cinema, or a beach date. I really love the beach... Especially at night, someone should take me to the beach." I winked at the camera and the next question was my favorite song on the radio and sing a bit of it. I sang a bit of "Honey, I'm Good" by Andy Grammer. Then I got asked what is one question I'm sick of getting asked. I said, "I'm sick of getting married..." I covered my face laughing and everyone laughed, I continued with a stereotypical sassy American voice, "Yeah, I'm sick of getting married, it's my fifth husband, what the hell?" I laughed again and continued in my normal voice, "No, I'm sick of getting asked, when's the wedding, when's the wedding? I'll get married when I'm bloody ready!" I made the last part dramatic and with a British acdent and then I laughed it off. Then I got asked what is my guilty pleasure and I said, "Song writting, just doing it is so fun and I do it like all the time." Then I was asked if in a race, I passed the person in second, what is my place? I thought for a second and said, "Second." I got it right and then we left all in laughter.Everything was falling into place nicely...
If I only knew what the next night would bring chaos...

Things Are Finally Looking Up
FanfictionLilly Black is 5 foot tall, has dark curly briwn hair, emerald eyes, and sort of pale skin. She has a real cruddy life... She has been bullied everyday of her life, she's adopted and does not know if her biological parents are even alive, her parent...