7. Where We Are Filming

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Lilly's POV
Currently I am finishing filming for Into The Woods, the movie musical, after the premier then, it's time for us to record One Direction's three concerts at the San Siro Stadium in Milan. Then, three days later, we will be filming my three live concerts.
We are having five cameras on the first night, ten on the second, and about fifteen on the third night, same with me, but I want about fifteen every night.
Paul Dugdale and I were directing the cameras and it was quite fun. The boys loved the sign the fans made for them. I ran out on stage with a mic and said, "Smile boys!" The turned around and with the background of the gigantic sign, they smiled brightly and I took a picture. I showed them, I ran backstage, and finished up the show.
Niall and I have been doing good lately. We've been talking about relationship things more often, it's been about a month and things are going really well.
It was the night before the final concert, Niall and I were on the couch watching TV, I was leaning against his chest, and he asked me randomly, "What are your views on marriage?" I looked at him and smiled, "I already told you them, Niall." He said, "I know, but has any of them changed?" I touched his cheek and said, "Though my whole family has had trouble with marriage, I believe a marriage can work if the two people always talk to one another, if the people trust each other one hundred percent, if they can come to a compromise, and if they can be honest to one another, then any marriage, like any relationship can work..." He grabbed my hand and kissed my palm. He sighed and looked into my eyes and he said, "Do you-" I smiled and nodded, "Do I what, Niall?" He suddenly asked, "Do you want to watch Harry Potter?" I smiled, pecked his cheek, and said, "Now, Niall, both you and I know that wasn't what you wanted to say. Come on, tell me, it can't be that bad." Niall sighed, closed his eyes, and ran his fingers through his har. He sat up and I sat cross legged in front of him. I grabbed both of his hands and said, "Please, I'm not trying to force you, you just made me extremely curious..." He looked in my eyes with worry and asked, "Do you- uh, Lilly, do you see you and me getting married?" I looked at him shockingly and he muttered looking in his lap, "I knew you didn't..." I tilted his head to look at me and said, "Niall, I mean, we're both still young, but in time, I really do hope you and I get married. Ever since I first set my eyes on you during the X-Factor in 2010, I just felt something. Now we're boyfriend and girlfriend, something I've always wanted. We are just a few steps away from marriage, but it takes time..." He nodded and said, "So ultimately, later, down the road, when we are together, when I propose, you would say yes?" I smiled and said, "In a heart beat." He smiled and kissed my lips. I said, "Now, you mentioned Harry Potter?" He laughed and we watched the fourth movie he asked me, "Can you do an Irish accent?" I said in the best Irish accent, "Yeah, I'm heading down to the pub with my lads and I'm probably completely rubbish at this!" He laughed and I said, "I can do a better British accent." He motioned for me to go and I said, "I'm probably rubbish at this as well, love, I wouldn't be suppried if you started laughing." He smiled and said, "Pretty good." I said, "Alright, your turn accent man, do my accent." He did it perfectly and I said, "Perfect." He replied, "So are you." I giggled and said, "Cliché much?" He said, "You love it." I smiled, leaned in saying, "Everyday." We kissed and continued to watch the movie and fell asleep.

Niall's POV
So it's been a month down the road and I called up two of Lilly's best friends, she trusted them more than anything, so I asked them to help me pick out a promise and engagement ring. It wasn't going to be big, but just something to show my love... The engagement ring is for later down the road... We had a day where Lilly wasn't going to be with us because we had a show in the lower half of California then we traveled to Arizona, while Lilly was performing in the upper half and then the lower half, so I wouldn't see her for one day. Which gave me enough time to meet with Lilly's friends to help me with the ring... I am very, very nervous...

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