Lilly's POV
So we did that, I contacted the lawyer in charge and he was meeting us at my uncle's house. We were tired from the trip here, but I was determined to hear the will. My uncle has actually rewritten the will since my mom died. He left everything for me... I was really surprised. My other aunt and uncle had left everything for me as well. Finally, my aunt had left me some money, but her daughter got the house. I was fine with that, I never thought she would actually leave me anything! She always thought my parents pushed me too much when it was actually my own ambition...
Anyway, I got the keys to two houses and we all stayed in my uncle's house. Niall and I in the master room, Harry and Charlotte in a spare room, Liam and Sophia in a spare room, and Louis and Annabelle on a blow up mattress, I told them they could take the master bed, but they went on the blow up bed. We got up early the next morning and got a ton of boxes.
I said to everyone, "First, I'm going to go around the house, while we have breakfast, and the items that have yellow sticky notes are to be packed, and the other ones I will deal with later. I'll tell you all you're jobs once we're done breakfast." Charlotte said, "Lilly, go ahead and get started, the girls and I will handle making breakfast." I smiled saying, "Thank you... and I mean thank you to all of you being here. This will be a big help..." They smiled and Harry said, "We wouldn't want to be anywhere else." I went all over the place and then after everyone was done eating, I said, "I need Louis and Annabelle to pack all photos carefully. Try to utilize the box to the fullest. I'll be in the office, Liam and Sophia help me pack all of the yellow tags. Start in one room and then move to the other. Label the boxes with a list of things in there. Harry and Charlotte pack take all of the video tapes and once you're done that, help Liam and Sophia. Niall, I need you to gather all medicine and check if they are expired or not, mark off the names and throw away the prescribed medicine, generic ones, keep. Then, around twelve or one, we'll have lunch. We'll stay on the inside and take the outside at night." We set off to do our jobs, I picked up the mail and went into my uncle's office, shredding a lot of stuff. It was around 12 and we took a break. I said, "So, how are we doing?" Harry said, "We finished the videos." Liam said, "We have the two living rooms done, two spare rooms, and we are starting on the master bed room." Louis said, "Pictures are done, we started helping everyone else." Niall said, "I organized the pills and I put them into a box, I started helping everyone else." I said, "I finished in the office. Tomorrow we are doing the same thing at the other house. I need Harry and Louis to help me by driving the cars to Carmax to sell them. The other all terrain vehicles I'm going to bring them to a professional place, the motorcycles are going to a place I know. We can do that Tuesday. Tonight, let's finish the house and then, if you guys want, you can have the night off. I'm going to sort things out here. The clothes, I think I'm going to donate them to a homeless shelter, I know one in Phoenix. Tonight I'm going to label all of the boxes we packed tonight to my flat in London. I'm going to contact a realtor Wednesday about the two houses. I plan on having the funeral the day before we go... After that, I plan to go home by next week and sort through all this stuff." The nodded and Annabelle said, "While you're on tour, I can help with the realtor since I'm here." I smiled and said, "Thank you, maybe we can get Erin on it as well." She nodded and we finished lunch. Niall said, "When you print the labels for an address, put mine, I want you to move in with me, immediately." I pecked his lips saying, "I wouldn't have it any other way..."
By time we were done, we had everything packed, the boys went to bed around 10 because they were tired. I was labeling boxes with postal service stuff. Niall said, "Come on, time to go to bed." I nodded and went to bed.We did everything as planned, I went to Niall's, well our flat. We sorted through the albums and pictures and decorated Niall's house. I went through the DVD'S and the stuff we had extra copies of and the stuff we are throwing away we delivered to a thrift store. I decided to sell the house with the furniture and dishes in it. I didn't have any use of it. Everyone was able to do their own thing by the second week. It was weird going through everything. All of the personal things were dealt with, but I still felt really weird because my whole family I knew and loved is now dead and I don't have a good reason to go back to Phoenix unless it's to see friends.
It just felt weird, I went through the album from when I was adopted and it just felt like a world away. Niall and I went over the pictures together and it was fun to show him my life. He laughed at all the silly things I did and I laughed to. :)It was fun and he asked, "How are you feeling?" I said, "Mixed emotions. I'm sad I don't have my adopted family, but I have my biological family to now bond with." He said, "You're so strong, Lilly. How do you do it?" I said, "I don't know... I just know, things can get better... it's just something in my gut that says, it gets better, so pull through it..." He kissed my lips and said, "Have I ever told you I think your amazing?" I pecked his lips and said, "Just about every day." I kissed him further and he pushed everything off our laps to the floor and climbs over me as we kissed. I pulled away and said, "Niall, what are you doing?" He kissed my neck muttering, "Kissing you." I giggled and said, "I think someone has something else on their mind..." He chuckled and said, "Obviously." I pushed him back a bit looking him in the eyes saying, "I just don't know about that yet, Niall. You and I have the same values, wait until commitment... I just don't know if I want to do that before marriage..." He brought his hand to caress my cheek and he said, "I don't want to pressure you, princess..." I pecked his lips and said, "I know you're not, I just don't want to do it yet, but there is one thing we can do." He looked at me curiously and I pushed him back on the couch and pressed my lips to his. We kept kissing for a bit until we needed air. He said, "Yeah, that's better..." I smiled and pecked his lips one more time. He pulled me in for a cuddle and I asked, "When should we have the wedding?" He said, "I think during the major break so we can have a proper honeymoon..." I smiled and asked, "What kind of theme do you want?" He smiled and said, "Whatever you decide. As long as you're happy, I'm happy." I smiled and said, "Well, there is one part you are going to have to decide on... Best man, you have to decide one of the lads." He said, "Yeah, I'll decide that last minute..." I shook my head in disbelief saying, "Men, why are they always waiting to the last minute. Wait a month before so they can get a speech... I had an idea where they could all say a speech, it may not be traditional, but I know it's hard to pick one of you're brothers, what about your actual brother?" He smiled and said, "It's hard to choose between them, the lads are my brothers and Greg is my actual brother..." I nodded saying, "It's the same with the girls, they're my sisters! It's going to be hard, but I know they will understand..." He nodded saying, "Well, we will talk about it next break." I nodded and said, "Time for bed." I got up and held my hand for him to pull him up, instead he scooped me up bridal style and said as he walked, "I can't wait to do that officially, Mrs. Horan..." I said, "Hmm, that will be the best thing in the world to hear." We changed into pajamas and went to bed.
Things were getting better. :)

Things Are Finally Looking Up
FanfictionLilly Black is 5 foot tall, has dark curly briwn hair, emerald eyes, and sort of pale skin. She has a real cruddy life... She has been bullied everyday of her life, she's adopted and does not know if her biological parents are even alive, her parent...