When Kluen couldn't find Dao

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"You just left him there without explaining?! Kluen!! How dense can you be?" Gia shouted once she found out what happened before she called him.

"You said not to tell anyone..." Kluen tried to defend himself.

"Not at the expense of losing Nuea! Hurry back right now! Before you lose him for good" Gia warned him. Little did she know how true her words rang.


Kluen couldn't get home faster than he wanted. He pressed the lift button repeatedly hoping that it would come faster.

"Did you see the ambulance just now?"

"Wonder what happened..."

He heard two women gossiping beside him. He had a bad feeling as he heard them speak.

He rushed through the door and silence greeted him with Daonuea nowhere in sight. He looked at his phone and realized it's dead. He quickly plugged it to a charger waiting impatiently for it to be able to start up.

He was shocked by the number of calls that Noel had made. He dialed back quickly.

"Where were you!!" Noel shouted when he was able to get through.


" Get to the hospital now! Nuea needs you now!"


He rushed to get his car, defying every traffic rule to get to the hospital while praying.

"Please be okay Dao, please be okay." A mantra that he kept repeating in his head. 

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