Love is an open Doooooor!!!!!

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A/N: yes, I did draw that ^, I'm not the best artist but I couldn't find a pic of Elsa picking her nose

Elsa: Ice, what are you drawing?

Ice: nothin...

Elsa: *pulls paper out of Ice's hands* *its the picture above* Am I... picking my nose?

Ice: yup

Jake: Ice! *looks at it* *smiles*

Jack: wow! you did a perfect sketch! *snorts*

Elsa: -_- what's the topic today?

Do one where Rapunzel and Eugene sing love is an open door

Rap: I guess I could do that

Eugene: sure

Hiccup: ever notice that he just appears out of nowhere?

Merida: creepy

Rap: can I say something crazy?

Eugene: what?

Rap: *evil eye*

Eugene: oh! the song! yah.... I love crazy

Rap: all my life has been a series of doors in my face, and suddenly I bump into youuu

Eugene: I was thinking the same thing, cuz I've been searching my whole life to find my own place.... (Still singing)

Ice: *pulls Jake to another room*

Jake: what?

Ice: *singing* but with youuuuu!

Jake: but with you! I can find my own place!

Rap, Eugene, Ice, and Jake: and It's nothing like I've ever known before!

Jelsa: *peeks in the other room*

Jack: you gonna stop them?

Elsa: nah, I'll let them have their fun and kill Ice tomorrow

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