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Derry is a very small town. Not many people move in and hardly leave, there is barely any forms of entertainment so kids go to great lengths to have some fun. It was a warm June evening when the Loser's club came across a new shop.

"What the fuck is this place?" Eddie said as he dropped his bike and walked towards the building. 

"Dan's Diner?" Eddie read out loud as he squinted through the glass.

"Wanna go in?" Beverly said parking her bike.

"Sure why not," Stan said as he parked his bike next to Bev's.

"C-can't I've got c-chores," Billy said still sitting up on his bike.

"Me neither I've got work," Mike said. "See you guys later."

"Y-ya see ya," Bill said as he biked away with Mike.

"What about you?" Beverley asked Ben with a grin.

"I dunno," Ben said shyly but just then Beverly grabbed this arm and pulled him into the Diner.

The diner was model to look like the '50s. The floor had a checkered print and the walls were covered in records. (Whatever was left of) the gang slipped into a booth the booths were all red and at the end of the table was a mini jukebox.

"It's nice in here," Ben said looking around.

"Oh, I've have been in here before!" Richie said looking around. 

"Really?" Eddie asked looking up at him.

"Ya, this is the place where I first fucked your mom-she orders 30 cheeseburgers and I knew right away she was the one for me," Richie said looking down at his friend with a grimacing smile.

"Fuck off four eyes," Eddie said angrily at his friend. Stan rolled his eyes like he usually does when the two say dirty things to one another.

The gang sat down at a booth together. Eddie and Richie were teasing and kicking each other from under the table while Ben Beverly and Stanley were figuring out what to eat.

"We've only got enough for a jumbo fries and two milkshakes," Stan said as he counted the change he had in his hand.

Just then a waitress came over to take their order she looked about thirteen years old. Her hair was pulled into a loose bun and she had strands of hair falling from the front of her face. Her cheeks were really rosey and she had big beautiful eyes. The waitress had a black t-shirt that was tight to her body and a black skirt that has Dan's Diner written along the bottom of the skirt.

Stan was completely Starstruck by her.

"Hello welcome to Dan's Diner what can I get you guys?" the waitress said with a soft smile as she pulled out her notepad. Stan, who was supposed to be ordering was simply jocking over the waitress. He finally snapped out of it when he heard Beverly call his name.

"Huh," he said as he turned around to see his friends laughing at him.

"Aren't you going to order?" Beverly giggled.

"No... I mean y-ya," Stan's eyes bolted down. "Eh um could we have a jumbo fries and two milkshakes," Stan said as he shyly looked down at the menu.

"Sure thing," the waitress said as she grabbed the menu from Stanley's hand. Bev gave the waitress a smile and waited for her to leave before she talked to Stan.

"Well that was something," Bev said looking at Stan. 

"What?" Stan said innocently.

"What do you mean what? You were full out jizzing in your pants because of that girl," Richie said as he adjusted his glasses.

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